have you used yahoo jp auction? what was your experience? Usa user, but from anywhere I'd like to he

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Mystic Traveller

Member (SA)
Superduper said:
Ooooo, I like it. Never seen that one before.
Yep, me too. :-) Will see what will arrive in 1.5 months.

Another bbx scored there this week is A&D TA-57, rather a rare boomer.
What made me buy it is the brand - I have never seen a single bbx under A&D brand.
As you know A&D stands for Akai and Diatone famous for their Hi-Fi components.
Actually this boomer was made by Akai and for some commercial reasons sold under A&D.
It has a sister: Akai AJ-W211.

Of course I don't expect a lof of sound from it but apart from its rarity TA-57 does have an interesting architecture, just look:


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Akai AJ-W211

Mystic Traveller

Member (SA)
The latest score on Yahoo JP for $9.41.

Sharp 5P-R3U

What surprised me is that the owner hasn't removed the protective cover-ups from the top panel and tuner dial in 33 years! :yes:

Sharp 5P-R3U_1.png


Member (SA)
Mystic Traveller
I may need you to handle some affairs for me

I'm looking for a sharp 909 and a 999. I seen some through the yahoo in some really great condition at some insane low prices. I'm good for $500 each. With that being shipped to me in Florida USA. So lets say you can get it for 300 shipped to USA or 400 or maybe even less.... I pay you 500. You keep the change :smooch:

Mystic Traveller

Member (SA)
Boxed Sharp GF-888 Score at Yahoo Japan.

I spotted this lot just in time, for the first time in almost 1.5 years of hunting there, the seller was definitely unexperienced in selling "boxed" boomers and put a fixed price of $103, otherwise it would have hit much bigger price.

1.5 months have eventually passed since then - standard lag time.
As I expected it turned out to be in a like new condition.
Also Sharp was declared by a seller as junk article
since it hadn't been checked at all as the power cord was missing.

Сommonplace at this auction.
33 years have passed since "the three 8s" were manufactured but at the first check 888 appeared fully functional including both decks.
Now it's time to run the complete one.

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Member (SA)
Mystic Traveller said:
Christmas score on Yahoo Japan. :-)

I've been searching for this rare and unusual Aiwa machine for a while.

Aiwa CS-J50

Aiwa CS-J50.jpg

Aiwa CS-J50_1.jpg

Aiwa CS-J50_2.jpg
That's a fantastic score. Since we have chatted, I have grabbed a beater 777 a fantastic shape 777 and have a offer in on a 919. I love the 919 with the black vu tuner. I want to snatch up a few more of them. Or if I find the black VU meters I may swap out with the 777 meters.
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