Guess the latest Goodwill find

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Boomus Fidelis
Not a Siemens or Grundig. :nonono:

I have one more pic (no not of the whole box) to post that should be enough for one or two of you to get it.


Boomus Fidelis
JVC Floyd said:
rotel rpm 10 ?.

Close enough, we have a winner! It's a Rotel RPM-100.
It needs cleanup work and the tape is dead. Someone spilled a bunch of paint on the side and bottom of one speaker, they obviously had it seperated when they were painting.



Boomus Fidelis

Goofy or not this little Rotel will woop the chrome dust caps off of most boomboxes. :yes:[/quote]

:agree: and i would take that goofy looking box any day :-D


Boomus Fidelis
JVC Floyd said:
damn nice radio , love the woofers looks like it means business :w00t: .

You should see them move, they travel a lot pounding out the damn good bass. That's just running it on 8 D batteries and since it's a 240 volt box I can't run it on AC right now so there is no way I'm getting full power, this box draws 80 watts. :-O
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