WOW! GREAT PICTURES hardmen! This reminds me of the Beat Swapmeet out here in Cali. Looks like a blast, and you guys do this every month??? That is very cool. Looks like a great turnout. Nice blasters too. This is a good sign that these boomboxes are still in full effect in a bunch of places all over the world. TOO FRESH
The pictures of the Bboys and Bgirls doin their thing are sweet, but my favorite picture by far is the one of the 4 kids sitting on the curb with bandanas on their head just soaking in the whole scene! Priceless. Its so Dope to see the younger generations involved in this scene. Great job hardmen, and thanks for the pictures, Brasil representin to the fullest

THIS is what its all about, bein in the streets! Looks like a fun day out there bro.