MesaAZGuy said:
Well, there's always eBay if it is a piece of turdulent pooh. I am sure I can turn a profit if mine really does cost me $247 But thanks for the well wishes with this plastic box!
Can't go wrong for that price. While it could stand to have a little more umph and bass, they succeeded in what they set out to do...which is to include everything that folks have been asking for in a modern budget priced package.
I can appreciate what GPO has done here and I don't regret my purchase at all. At full tilt boogie on the volume dial it gets the job done, looks cool and is (so far) the only modern example that holds true to the traditional boombox.
If you go into this with the understanding that it is a replica of what once was and aren't expecting a hi-fi audio sound system, you won't be disappointed for 250 dollars IMO.
Congratulations on your purchase.
Let us know your opinion of it when you get it