I looked into buying some of the boombox shots from the book...prints are selling for a whopping $750 apiece. I hope whoever let him shoot their boomboxes is getting a cut...
Pricing "art" is one of the most subjective topics there is... I'm sure he (or the gallery "experts") put lots of thought into that... Fine art is often based on exclusivity.
As a photographer myself.... I can tell you that the actual snapping of the shutter is probably the easiest part of his process. The real work is in setting up the lighting, and the extensive post-shoot editing process. Consider that the camera used to shoot the pics alone was something like $40,000!!!! And he showed up with two assistants and a truckload of rented lighting gear that took hours to assemble and disassemble.
So, if you consider his upfront investment and the logistics involved in his process it is almost mind-blowing. You might even be shocked to hear that at last year's meet, he did not even snap the shutter himself. Once the lighting was right, his focus was more in line with that of a strategic mastermind..., he was looking around trying to figure out which boxes had the look he wanted.
And when you compare the image he starts with to the final product image, there is a considerable amount of post production as well.
We all knew Lyle was going to be there shooting pics, but I don't think any of us had a clue that it was that massive of an undertaking. I can't speak for the crowd, but I don't think anyone at the meet even asked for a free copy of the book as some form of compensation. We were just happy to see our boxes get some recognition and be part of the project... I think we all realized right away that there was A LOT more to what he was doing than just shuttersnaps.
I looked at his site and saw the fine-art gallery links and found this:
Small size, Edition 1- 10 - $500.00
Medium size, Edition 1-10 - $2,000.00
Large size, Edition 1-10 - $4,000.00
X Large size,Edition 1-10 - TBD
Good for Lyle. I hope he sells lots of those prints!
But.... I'd also add that from what I experienced he's a very approachable guy.... It couldn't hurt to PM him from here and ask if that's really the only way to get a print.