Got Me A TDK Today

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Member (SA)
Nice review! :thumbsup:

I love the look of the TDK, :yes: and have considered buying one. It has styling cues from the B&O boombox; strong and unique.

What's it look like on the inside? Can it be repaired like the oldskool boxes and kept blasting for 20+ years? :huh:


=m i l e s-


Member (SA)
I just picked up the new IMX 810 Altec Now I will be ready the jump on the three speaker TDK in a few months. Hemi guy can you comment on the noise from the speakers at high volumes. Thanks


Member (SA)
I have not heard any noise from the speakers on mine at all.
And no distortion at all even at full volume.
I have demoed the two speaker as well and had it up near full volume as well
didnt hear any noise.
These are very well built and the sound is outstanding.
I also have the Altec Imt 800, and love it to bits.


Member (SA)
Great review ! Now I want one but hate that it is too pretty to tote. I would be so nervous not to scratch it up or poke a speaker, but it is beautiful ! Maybe I will find one that is already scratched up and ready for the outdoors ! Did this box ever get compared side by side to a kaboom ? The old or the newer Kabooms ? Curious to know if TDK out-thumps a JVC RV-B90 or not :w00t:
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