Got Me A TDK Today

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Member (SA)
I went ahead and pulled the trigger , and I have no regrets.
This box is amazing. Simply stated it has looks, awesome build quality and great sound.
What more can you ask for???
It Just arrived today and I have pics and a video review for you guys.
So, with out further ado .....







Member (SA)
Great video!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I cant believe how big it is :dunce: !!
Thanks for the quick review. My trigger might get pulled now!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
The first thing I noticed in the pictures is that the TDK boombox is MUCH bigger than I thought. It really looks like a piece of extremely high-end audio equipment sitting next to classic boomboxes. :-) I can't wait to hear it!! :cool: :thumbsup:

Hey Frank, how would you compare the TDK against the Altec?


Member (SA)
Congrats on the TDK! I went into a Best Buy and I was playing around with that one and the little cube one, they are impressive, they sound pretty damn good.


Staff member
Awesome! Hope I can afford one before they get discontinued.

Fatdog said:
Hey Frank, how would you compare the TDK against the Altec?
I listened to the altec and the 2-speaker one a month or so ago. I could not crank it too high -- only as high as would normally be permitted in a dept store. But if what I heard on the 2-speaker model is any indication, this one must be the bomb. I personally think the TDK sounds better than the altec but the altec has the waaay cool dock.


Boomus Fidelis
i did see one at my local best-buy i liked it alot :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :yes: :yes: :yes: and if i had the extra cash it would have ended home,, but right now i think i want that lasonic i931 :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
I haven't done a side by side yet but they are in the same league.
They both hit pretty hard with no distortion. I will Go upstairs and get it now.


Member (SA)
Sound wise the Altec can hang with the TDK for sure,
It is truly amazing the sound that comes out of the Little Guy.
Sound is a bit more tailorable on the Altec due to the eq so I ran them both flat.
nice crisp highs out of both.
Both boxes seem to thump the bass like no ones business, but the
TDK has stronger mid bass.
I think its due to the front firing sub on the TDK.
More input choices on the TDK.
It has usb, mini stereo , rca and quarter inch instrument input.
Altec has the dock and 2 mini stereo ports.
FM and AM on the TDK
FM only on the Atec.
Altec has 10 band EQ
TDK just 2 band.
TDK can also mix instrument input with other inputs on the system which is way kool.
Both great boxes and sure not to disappoint.
The only other vintage box In my collection that compares to these two would be
My Telefunken Studio 1m.



Member (SA)
Frank sound wise and build wise I agree.

The sound is one of the best. I would say telefuken m1 and m90 sound comparison wise. Build quality is great. No creaky handle here. You could probably sit on it. :lol:

Two things I don't like.
The antenna has to be plugged in :thumbsdown: although you can recieve strong stations without it. I would have preferred a totally internal antena or a standard rod.

The spectrum analyzer....although cool looking on the video, seems to be slow and not as responsive as I would like.

Minor issues for the most part. And because of the the sound, price and design will probably have grail status.

There is a firmware update as well on the website.

Retro Addict

Member (SA)
That's HUGE for a modern boombox! :w00t: I knew when looking at earlier threads that it was quite big, but thought it was about 3 1/4 of its actual size. Pretty impressive! :surf:

Lasonic TRC-920

Thanks for the great review Hemi.

I'm glad you spent the extra money and got the 3 speaker version, in my mind, getting the 2 speaker model it's like buying a luxury car with crank windows :-/

It looks good, and I bet it's just POUNDING! That sub is really moving. Are the tweeters in the middle of the two outer speakers?

I totally agree that this will be a grail if it already isn't! :yes:

The controls looks good and I like the fact that it has a REAL volume knob and it's BIG! So many modern devices have touch buttons for volume up and down :thumbsdown:

The un-grilled speakers make me nervous, keep the 3 years old with pencils away! :w00t: :yes:

I think the only real bummer is there is no pocket / dock for an mp3 player. They should have put 16 gigs of loadable memory in it and been done with it!

Wow, 35 lbs is allot, the Louder Blaster Project tipped the scales at 36 lbs with out batteries of which it takes 9 D's. So 35 lbs with 12 D's might make it tough to strut down the street (talking to you Glue!)

But, for the most part, you walk in, set it down, plug in your mp3 player and let it rip anyways....

Kick ass review and kick ass radio. Maybe after I get ALL my classic grails, I will add this to the collection!


Staff member
Very nice Frank! The only other thing I'd say gives the Altec the advantage is that it is way lighter, and kicks just as hard. Not that I'd want to scratch either one I'd probably (and the weight too) would never carry it. The Altec seems to me as the more freindly version. And except for Ira, who's listening to AM? :lol:


Member (SA)
:drool: It looks good, and I bet it's just POUNDING! That sub is really moving. Are the tweeters in the middle of the two outer speakers?

Yes tweets are in the center of the outer woofers

The controls looks good and I like the fact that it has a REAL volume knob and it's BIG! So many modern devices have touch buttons for volume up and down :thumbsdown:

The volume knob is electronic vs variable resister so will probably never get staticy.

The un-grilled speakers make me nervous, keep the 3 years old with pencils away! :w00t: :yes:

Oh trust me no three year olds will be anywhere near this box!

I think the only real bummer is there is no pocket / dock for an mp3 player. They should have put 16 gigs of loadable memory in it and been done with it!

You can plug a USB memory stick in and there you go.
You can browse your files with the right control knob on the LCD screen.

Wow, 35 lbs is a lot, the Louder Blaster Project tipped the scales at 36 lbs with out batteries of which it takes 9 D's. So 35 lbs with 12 D's might make it tough to strut down the street (talking to you Glue!)

But, for the most part, you walk in, set it down, plug in your mp3 player and let it rip anyways....

I have lugged the wx1 with batteries so this probably won't stop me :lol:


Boomus Fidelis
Awesome Frank!!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Thanks for the Altec TDK comparo..... :smooch: :angelic:
I think the TDK is growing on me a bit........ :hmmm: :cool:


Member (SA)
Veeerrry nice Frank! Definitely appreciate one of the learned brother's impressions of this unit!

The carrying aspect has me interested though she may be heavy. The real portability of a heavy radio is down to the balance
of the handle design I've found. From the photos I'm not sold on the comfort of that flat style handle design, but I'm very interested
in your summations of it, Frank.

Also interested in the battery life!

That said, I'm not sure if would carry one if I bought one... I do like the design, but to carrry one I'd really have to customise the hell out of it.
But the design lends itself beautifully to that, and the first thing I'd be doing is adding grills and chrome trims around all the speakers.

I shudder to think what the pricing on them will be in .au though.... IF they ever get released here.

Rock On.
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