Yeah lived there for 3 years.
Didn't even give a thought to boomboxes as Photogragphy was my thing then an I was buying and selling (and using) flim SLR's (as Digital was just taking off).
Used to walk past the used electronics shops stacked with "Radjicase" to get to the camera bargins.
Of course that may now change!!
I recomend you go Aza, you can still travel cheap if you are smart. There are hostels etc (I'm asuming you're not mega rich sorry) that keep you within budget as accom is a killer.
Food is cheap if you dont mind being adventurous ( and be that I mean taking a stab at coversing with the locals not eating chernobyl sushi).
Thanks for the congrats.....this really is a great site!!!!
Didn't even give a thought to boomboxes as Photogragphy was my thing then an I was buying and selling (and using) flim SLR's (as Digital was just taking off).
Used to walk past the used electronics shops stacked with "Radjicase" to get to the camera bargins.
Of course that may now change!!
I recomend you go Aza, you can still travel cheap if you are smart. There are hostels etc (I'm asuming you're not mega rich sorry) that keep you within budget as accom is a killer.
Food is cheap if you dont mind being adventurous ( and be that I mean taking a stab at coversing with the locals not eating chernobyl sushi).

Thanks for the congrats.....this really is a great site!!!!