I haven't had a chance to chime in, but I'll try to add my part of the story.
Thanks Chris for the high praise. It means a lot. But honestly this wouldn't have happened if my wife didn't let me snatch this up when I found it.
I found the radio while in bed on a buy/sell phone app, only 10 minutes from my work. I messaged the guy instantly. I knew my wife probably wouldn't let me get this for myself, so I asked thaFUZZ (Adam) if he'd want me to get it for him. He was at the time, so I begged my wife to let my get this, promising it wouldn't be staying, and that a friend wanted it. She wasn't excited about it, but she said okay. I had to "pinky-swear" I wouldn't keep it for myself. Haha.
I was able to buy the radio the day after I got permission. The guys name was Quincy, told me he had bought it new in Chicago at a flea market in the 80's. Moved over here some time ago in a job transfer from Boeing. But do to a work injury, he was trying to sell some stuff, and recently got a new radio. Although before getting his new radio, he used it every weekend in the summer outside his home for neighborhood bbq's. In fact, as I'm chatting with him, a neighbor came up and was surprised he was selling it.
So I got the radio, took it back to work, immediately did a really light deoxit on the pots/switches. Ive never seen nor heard one of these in person before... Personally I always thought it looked too busy. But as soon as I turned it on, I was amazed with how loud it was, and the huge LED meters... I instantly wanted to keep it. I never thought I'd like these, but it was an instant hit. Now I'll definitely want one of my own in the future.
So I took it home, showed my wife, of course she didn't care much. But my daughter... my 2 year old daughter, loved it. I played it a bit for her, and she quickly figured out, the louder it is, the more the meters light up, "Pretty lights!!!" She'd say, and start dancing. Honestly it made me want to keep it for a second. But I made a promise to my wife, and I feel I'm not one to back out on a possible deal. So while I wanted it, I didn't even consider keeping it. I told my daughter "Not daddy's boombox, that's Chris's boombox." So that's what she kept saying. "Chris boombox, not daddys" hahaha.
It took me a few weeks to get ready to box this thing up for shipping, as my wife works nights, and we have a 2 year old and a 3 month old. But with guidance from Chris, I was eventually able to pack and ship this thing. First radio I've ever shipped, let alone to Italy!!! Or "sold" for that matter, even though I simply got what I paid, just pretty much saved it and held it for someone deserving.
I was quite honestly terrified that it either 1) wouldn't be delivered (I sort of smuggled some unclaimed faderlube in the box), or 2) would end up being damaged. I am so glad neither happened.
I can't wait to see how this turns out when it's complete. I'm glad I was able to help out another well-deserving member here.