Finally got "The Call"

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Lasonic TRC-920

Man, thanks for sharing that story. Gives me hope. I'm trying to get my hands on a nice 777, but no luck. I have bid on a few, but always get beaten at the last second even with the auto bidder. I'm sure mine is out there some where!

Master Z

Member (SA)
Persistence pays! Way to go man, very cool find. :cool:
I always have the ads up on C-list, You never know what people have laying around. :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Thanks heaps for all the kind words guys :yes:
Its just as exciting being able to share your finds and stories with
people that really understand and appreciate.
Try telling your friends that dont have 'the passion' and its like, "cool, dont you
already have heaps though ?".... they just dont get it :lol:

So the story continues,
after telling you guys of my luck in finding a 777 and how i had never found or seen
one locally or in the wild ( about 2 years ago i resorted to buying one from China and was very lucky
then also to recieve a mint one ) i headed of to the markets on the weekend in search,
as always, again.
I was still on a high really and wasnt going to be disappointed if i didnt find anything.

Well i have been going to these markets for some years now and some of the regular sellers
are becoming familiar faces, and i have learnt from conversations that i am becoming a regular
face to them too and that they are somewhat aware of what i am in search of.

A few months ago one regular seller i noticed had a VZ2000 but it wasnt out front with the rest of the
stuff he was selling, it was kind of put aside next to his car. So i went and asked about it and
he had said that someone had already left a deposit for it and so it was sold :sad:
I left him my number and said that i would like to buy it, if for some reason the deal didnt go
through. Well i never heard from him and that was that.
I still see him selling all the time but i didnt really think he remembered me.

So.... last weekend, one weekend after getting my first 777 in the wild, i was going past this
same guys stall at the markets and checking out what he had and he said to me "are you still
looking for a ghettoblaster ?" i didnt think he had remembered !! I told him yes of course :lol:
So he walks off to the other side of his car and brings out a, i couldnt believe it, GF 777 :-O

In all the years fo searching these markets i was yet to see one for sale there, and here it was !!

I couldnt carry it back to my car fast enough :lol:
I took a photo of it on my mobile and sent it to my best friend, she was with me the weekend
before when i got 'the call' and she is the only one that really understands how rare and how exciting
this find was. She rang me straight away and said she couldnt believe i found another one already :w00t:

It is not in as nice condition as the other one, it is missing one of the smaller selector switches and one
of the silver cones has fallen off the speaker, although i still have it. But it is no way a wreck, its actually
in good shape.

So i just want to say once again, i know how it feels when we start to think that there is nothing out
there anymore and that the markets etc are all dried up, but this does show that it can still happen :yes:
The markets i go to are quite large with lots and lots for sale and i too am always wondering where all
the boomboxes are ??
If it helps all i can say is keep at it, you just never ever know !

Stay tuned, today after work i will take some pics to share with you guys :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
I like these stories a lot , finding them in the wild. :cool:
Ebay is too easy . If you want one , you've got one :hmmm:
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