I may have my very own a satanic 660.... Hopefully, it is just in need of a little TLC.
At this point, the volume pot is causing loud cracking sounds when I turn it up or down. That should be easy to remedy. It also seems like there may be something missing sound-wise, but it's hard for me to pinpoint. Tapedeck is not working, but I knew that when I bought it.
Anyone know what I should use on the volume pot?[/quote]
you can use some electronics spray / cleaner they sell at radio shack or you could splurge and buy some deoxit gold but it cost a lot more ,either one will work.
not sure if that aiwa has a ''dsl'' button or not , if it does it should make a noticeable difference in the sound.[/quote]
Warning, Silly question ahead...
once you spray that stuff on there, does one need to wipe the dirt/grime away, or is it more of a lubricant.... If one is to wipe stuff off after spraying the de-oxit, what kind of thing would one wipe it off with? Then after cleaning, would one use a different lubricant on it...
AAAAnd... thanks for responding to the silly question...[/quote]
when spraying the cleaner / lube ,it's best to go into the small holes located on the backside of the pots ,these holes are where the tabs on the pot housing are bent over to hold the inner parts in place ,usually 3 or 4 tiny holes .just use the straw / tube that comes with the lube to get into those tiny holes. just be careful that you don't spray too much , you can test spray it in the air to test how much comes out of the can when you spray , usually only takes a tiny amount of spray , too much makes the pots too loose and the knobs turn too easily.
it's best to use sparingly and try to limit getting it on other areas and if you do just dab or wipe off the excess cleaner with q tips or tissue paper . once you have lubed the pot just turn it back and forth to work the cleaner , lube into the parts better .