Finally! A Near ENDLESS Supply Of Chrome Dustcaps!

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Member (SA)
Right, before I get to my next results, I think you should be aware of the weight of these things. I'm not sure why a lot of you are thinking they're heavy, maybe in comparison to mylar chrome caps they are. But the weight of one from a normal spray can is 13g and from the smaller sized cans they're about 8g. This is not a substantial amount of weight to go on a speaker and certainly not enough to cause damage just from being attached.

The smaller can sizes are definitely the more standard size to go on most boombox speakers and I've found the Tamiya short spray paint cans have the best finish on them. I've gone over all my test dustcaps with Autosol (after rich sony_apm_fan's recommendation) and am very happy with the results. The Tamiya can (the one on the far right) is near perfect chrome reflection.


It's a shame the middle top one didn't get cut as clean as the middle bottom one, as I'd be mounting them up for more experiments as soon as possible. I'm currently on the scrounge for more smaller paint cans I can try, heres hoping I've got another Tamiya can buried somewhere.

Rock On.


Staff member
Rick. It's a great tip. To be clear, I've installed bigger than normal dust caps myself since I'd be lying if I said looks didn't matter. However, for the sound purist, there will definitely an effect on the sound since weight does matter a great deal. 13 grams (or 8 grams) is a significant amount and could possibly double the weight of the cones. On the other hand, most boomboxes aren't exactly hi-fi and one would be hard pressed to notice the sound difference with the naked ear. Also, on 2-way systems with a separate woofer, it's not as much a concern if the caps are installed on the low freq driver since the highs are the frequencies most likely to be affected anyhow. The woofers typically have much bigger magnets and heavier cones. I wouldn't recommend anything on the tweeter cones except mylar caps. I'd bet if cleaned of the adhesive, mylar dust caps would have virtually unmeasurable weight.


Member (SA)
I fully understand, Norm.
These are going on the Super Woofers for a GF-777 so I doubt they'll be a good experiment to see how much difference there is in the sound before and after as I predict there'll be very little if any audible difference. Until they're on though, we won't know for sure.

I've still got a few more spray cans to dismember before I settle on a pair, then I'll do some full reports. This might fall over entirely and not work at all once glued on, but only going all the way will I find out for sure.

Rock On.

Lasonic TRC-920

Rick, great thread....any chance you could show how your cutting the cans?

I have some radios that I love, but the dust caps are so small that it ruins the effect!

Bigger is Better


Member (SA)
Got around to try this out
took 10 seconds to cut a cap out
with a one-touch can opener
this can opener cuts from the sides not the top.
uses batteries.
this was from a small can of Lysol



Member (SA)
Ohh I didn't think of using a can opener! Wayy cleaner edges!!

I'm still on the hunt for the perfect can to operate on.

Top work, TW5!

Rock On.


Member (SA)
I love the creativity in this solution. Would never, ever have occurred to me to try using the bottom of an aerosol can. Even if the functional results aren't the best, the idea is brilliant. :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Would the bottom of soda/beer/deodorant cans be lighter weight and offer more sizes?
Love the idea.
This one's going in the bank
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