Ever Broke a Discolite Handle?

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Member (SA)
I wonder if these cheapie handles could be replaced with the handle from say a 4 speaker Sharp???
Just Paint black and call it a day. :-D or is it the point of connection to the radio body that is frail and weak?
BTW are the handle ends on the disco made of metal or plastic?

Oh, and sorry but I have not ever had a Discolite so I cannot chime in on the broken handle thing :lol:

Lasonic TRC-920

hemiguy2006 said:
I wonder if these cheapie handles could be replaced with the handle from say a 4 speaker Sharp???
Just Paint black and call it a day. :-D or is it the point of connection to the radio body that is frail and weak?
BTW are the handle ends on the disco made of metal or plastic?

Oh, and sorry but I have not ever had a Discolite so I cannot chime in on the broken handle thing :lol:
Hey Frank,

These things are worlds apart. No interchanging parts. I did buy another handle with metal ends to mod in, but I haven't done it.

This handle sucks, but no one reports ever hearing of one dramatically crashing to the ground. :hmmm:



I Am Legend
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
SOOOOO, the interesting part of this thread is no one has chimed in to say they have broken or seen a broken Discolite handle :huh:

Is this a good thing?
NO !!!

it may just mean that every owner knows these are worth $1000 -- at least.
so nobody uses the handles --
it can hardly hold the empty box --and once you load it up with 10 Ds = its suicide

Lasonic TRC-920

NO !!!

it may just mean that every owner knows these are worth $1000 -- at least.
so nobody uses the handles --
it can hardly hold the empty box --and once you load it up with 10 Ds = its suicide

Ok, so do you "Cut Up" a $1K box to replace the handle?


I Am Legend
no --either carry it under your armpit -
or wait for joe to make a sack for it -
or find some working beater discolite
or stay home :-)


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
no --either carry it under your armpit -
or wait for joe to make a sack for it -
or find some working beater discolite
or stay home :-)

I vote for Joes sack...as nasty as that may sound


Boomus Fidelis
the discolite is not exactly the iron man of boomboxes but these things made it this long and every one i ever seen had a handle now matter how ****ed everything else was . look at it this way , i have seen pc 55's fh-7's gf-777's lasonic's , you name it all missing handles lol.

Lasonic TRC-920

redbenjoe said:
no --either carry it under your armpit -
or wait for joe to make a sack for it -
or find some working beater discolite
or stay home :-)
"find some working beater discolite"

:huh: Did you read my original thread on this box? It doesn't get any more "Working Beater" than this! :-/ :blink:

SLO said:
I vote for Joes sack...as nasty as that may sound

jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
I'd leave it. - if you mod it with a better handle, the hard core collectors will shun it. Either under arm it, sack it or leave it at home.
I'm 100% with ya. Every time I see it and the replacement handle I bought this is all I think.

AND of all the radios in the world, this is the only one that has "Personal Disco Component" printed on the handle OR ANYTHING for that matter printed on the handle :annoyed:

JVC Floyd said:
the discolite is not exactly the iron man of boomboxes but these things made it this long and every one i ever seen had a handle now matter how farked everything else was . look at it this way , i have seen pc 55's fh-7's gf-777's lasonic's , you name it all missing handles lol.
I know, that's what boggles the fricken mind! How can other radios have broken handles and these things still exist! :blink:

hemiguy2006 said:
I say Just Shelf the thing and call it a day :lol: ;-)
Oh Man! That's not the answer I was looking for.

Like Joe has made mention. I sent him some drawings of the possible answer, for a sling strap.

NONE OF WHICH include his "Sack" :sick: :nonono: :thumbsdown:


Member (SA)
Literally, Laughing my ass off!! Yea Chris I agree, "sling" sounds much much better bro.


Member (SA)
I usually cradle carry most of my bigger boxes or throw them up on the shoulder.
Just easier to carry that way and puts much less stress on the body.
Imho any handle attached to 30+ yr old plastic is susceptible to snapping off.
The only radio I have that I get nervous about handle breaking on would be my 931.
Cheap plastic pivot points where the handle attaches is very scary.


Member (SA)
Now personally I haven't seen a ton of boxes in person, so I don't know which all have this. But don't some have metal sleeves in the handles? I wonder how many do.

Would that be a pretty good solution, or do you guys think the chrome brackets are typically the weak link?


Member (SA)
975 is the only radio I've had where the handle's broken while being carried... still in counselling over that experience...

That said, I don't trust the DiscoLite's handle in any way, shape or form.

Always figured I'd make a replacement for it with metal bracket's I'd swap out, but the problem is the DiscoLite dosen't have near the clarity of sound at high volume to be carried around and listened to anyway, so it's kind of a moot point regardless.

Rock On.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I'm saying all one piece of steel, ie; the handle and the left and right sides of the handle. We have steel plate here we can cut up to 2" thick, and the handle is maybe only 3/4" thick at it's biggest point.

That would be beefy hahaha

Lasonic TRC-920

blu_fuz said:
I could cnc plasma cut a steel handle all 1 piece.
I'll take 43 of them please! :-D :yes:

Gluecifer said:
975 is the only radio I've had where the handle's broken while being carried... still in counselling over that experience...
That said, I don't trust the DiscoLite's handle in any way, shape or form.

Always figured I'd make a replacement for it with metal bracket's I'd swap out, but the problem is the DiscoLite dosen't have near the clarity of sound at high volume to be carried around and listened to anyway, so it's kind of a moot point regardless.

Rock On.
So, in your professional opinion, do you think swapping out the handle would ruin the value?

More importantly, what does your therapist think?
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