Epic In The Wild Find!!!

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Member (SA)

I think I'll slowly back out of this conversation....


If any one wants the cover, shoot me a PM!


Member (SA)

Ive really enjoyed it so far, funny; as this model was never high up on my list of 'must haves.'

Probably because I had never seen one before.

Messed with some old cassettes last night, the record function is perfect, and probably had never been used before!

I did a brief sound off with my Sharp GF-508ST (9696). The JVC seemed to out perform it, although my Sharp has led a rough life and far from mint.


I Am Legend
most will say the m70 is foolproof and faultless :thumbsup:

but.. to them is say :nonono: WRONG :-D

the slider controls are not dependable :thumbsdown:

and there is no bass sound or bass feel at quiet volumes --even at full setting
and with the loudness on :annoyed:

so - yes - terrific box for lots of reasons ---
but not every members favorite
:agree: :-D


Member (SA)
Could this lack of performance be down to aging or usage? Wearing functions out?

I was a bit shocked at how good mine sounds down low!

I guess the ultimate test would be for someone to buy the New In Box M70 that DM4U has, open it up; and turn it on!

If this isnt the favorite for the reasons you state Ira, what is the ultimate box in this 'size?'

Ive already stated my Sharp GF....

What others are 'must haves?'

Also, my Sharp GF-9494 that was MINT, couldnt even out perform a Lasonic TRC-931! Not sure if that was normal or not!


I Am Legend
jeff --most every good medium size box i listen to --has a better bass output at quiet volumes then the m70 --

just to list a few -
aiwa 950//770 , lasonic 918//920 , crown 850//945, sanyo 9994// 9996//9998

i have bought & sold and traded about 10 m70s --
so --i dont think they were all equally deficient..
just the jvc design ? maybe

but --the m70 blows away most boxes when its cranked --
so -
to most --its a keeper :-)


Member (SA)
Ah! Ive had one of the Aiwa's, and the Crown.

I need to keep my eye out for the Sanyo's you mention.

My focus all these years has always been on the larger sized boxes. Im learning to appreciate high quality in smaller packages now. That, and Im running out of room.

10 M70's?! No wonder I never saw one till yesterday! :-)

Well, the verdict is in; Im keeping mine! Only the cover will find a new home....

Lasonic TRC-920

Great thread.....what an amazing find. I think the cover should go with the box....They have been together all these years! :-/

Still an amazing find ! ! ! :yes: :thumbsup:
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