Easy fix on a Conion/Epsilion EP007 "Explode 5000"

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Member (SA)
baddboybill said:
it's like 36" I believe
It's just shy of that at 35 3/8", I just measured it.
If you convert it to metric, 900mm is 35.4", that's probably the true value.


Member (SA)
SLO said:
What a beast, great repair work Eric :thumbsup: I think that blue would look proper on that thing...
Thanks SLO! I tested it out on a junk speaker and the bright color seems to show more irregularities than you would with a dark color paint marker, so I'm not sure if I want to try and spray paint it... :hmmm: I might try to set it on a turntable and draw a big spiral to get more consistency. It doesn't have to be perfect since the grille will obscure it I think...

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