Do you get stupid comments from ebays "ask seller" feature?

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I Am Legend
ebay really owns the world market for our type of goods---

this week - i bought 3 nice boxes -
and they were all from our own members :yes: :yes:
(3 different upstanding people)

so i KNOW its gonna be good :-) :-) :-) :-)
but selling boxes is often another matter -
like we have 122 members --
while ebay has 122,000 !!!!!!!!!!!

plus -- ebay gives us a chance to meet new box fans-
for the many ahole bidders : :dunce: :-O
there are many more of cool buyers

i met this SD guy thru ebay :-D :thumbsup:
and eric and some others - that joined later

so - its not 'all bad' :choco: :vespa:
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