Do you get stupid comments from ebays "ask seller" feature?

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Staff member
Every once in a while, I get a comment from the (ask seller a question feature) of ebay that really isn't a question but more like a stupid comment. Today, I get a guy commenting on something I have for sale and he goes "you're f****ing joking, right?" I mean, I know better than to respond and of course I do because I just can't resist. Then comes the back/forth until I stop. Now that I don't respond to that, it stays on my control panel as a non-answered question.

Personally, when I see something that is not my thing, I just ignore it and not waste another second on something I'm not interested in. I guess there are folks out there that just have nothing better to do.


Boomus Fidelis
Superduper said:
I guess there are folks out there that just have nothing better to do.

This statement covers a whole lot of stupid things some people do such as writing computer viruses.

I've had a few smart ass coments on auctions but I just let them go. I picture in my head a complete drooling idiot on the other end of the comment and it makes it easy to laugh and forget it.


Member (SA)
Ya, those are people with no friends and no life - so they look for some sort of human interaction. And the easiest way to interact with other people sometimes is to call them names - you almost sure to get a response :-D


Staff member
Well, once again, I got suckered into responding which lead to a meaningless exchange of weirdness. I know it's my own fault for responding to begin with but it's a weakness I have. Come to think of it, I can't remember 1 instance where responding was helpful or meaningful.


Boomus Fidelis
Superduper said:
I can't remember 1 instance where responding was helpful or meaningful.

Bingo, these people aren't looking for meaningful exchanges just senseless chatter so they can excercise their fingers, it's a complete waste of time to respond. :-D


Member (SA)
I personally haven't sold on ebay in awhile but i know exactly what u mean b4 ebay's chgs u were able to post the 'stupid' questions/comments on the auction,along with that members id,which i did frequently to show all of ebay world how stupid that person really was,now everything is hidden,so outing the dummies does not work,can't the question be deleted in my ebay,and then u have no worries? :huh: :-)

Boom Shaka Laka

Requiem Æternam
MasterBlaster84 said:
Bingo, these people aren't looking for meaningful exchanges just senseless chatter so they can excercise their fingers, it's a complete waste of time to respond.
I have no doubt you're right. I've never sold anything on eBay, but, if buyers on eBay are anything like garage sale and flea market buyers, they love to chat. And chat and chat. They have all the time in the world, not much else they need to do, nowhere else they really need to be, and not much money to spend on anything, so they fill their hours (and mine, too, unfortunately) with endless prattle.

However... if a potential eBay buyer asks something reasonably intelligent, and does it with reasonably correct spelling and sentence structure, sellers... please take a moment out of your busy broadcast day to answer. It's the courteous thing to do.

For example, if you're selling a tape recorder and you receive a question from a potential buyer that goes something like, "When you say the pinch roller 'might need to be replaced,' do you mean that it no longer functions to control the speed of the tape, or is it just looking a bit worn?"... If you get a question like that, please the hell answer it! Unless you have something to hide. No wait. I mean, even if you have something to hide.

See, for me, when a seller doesn't respond to a more-or-less thoughtful question about his/her item, I take it to mean, "It's broke, but I don't want to admit it... and I certainly don't want you to know it!"


Staff member
BSL, the question asked was:

"You're F****ng joking, right?"

That was it. No more, no less. No censor stars either. I did answer it without posting (since obscenities have no place in the public auction display).


Staff member
jaredscottfla said:
I personally haven't sold on ebay in awhile but i know exactly what u mean b4 ebay's chgs u were able to post the 'stupid' questions/comments on the auction,along with that members id,which i did frequently to show all of ebay world how stupid that person really was,now everything is hidden,so outing the dummies does not work,can't the question be deleted in my ebay,and then u have no worries? :huh: :-)

If there is a way to clear it from my ebay, I don't know how. If I've got a bunch of stuff to sell, I usually logon and ebay tells me if I need to take action on something: answer questions, respond to best offers, etc. etc.

In my experience, if a question has not been answered, the notification remains until action is taken. I've never figured out any other way to clear it from my control panel so it's annyoying as heck.


Member (SA)
Thats what buggs me about ebay,i`m finding it more and more annoying to deal with..And the fees are getting ridiculous,pay for listing an item,then pay for final value fee,and to top it off,you get charged again for recieving payment through paypal,what a rippoff :hmmm:


Boomus Fidelis
Ghettoman said:
And the fees are getting ridiculous

Just did my first listing in about a month and holy crap the fees jumped big time. The greed is getting worse at ebay, I used to sell regularly but with all of the crap with the economy and now ebay fees I think for the most part I'll stop selling and spend that time on myself, my family and friends. :ebay: :dunce:


Boomus Fidelis
I got this message from a real dork here on my Marantz CRS-8000 auction......... :dunce: |-) :thumbsdown:

Dear we-are-the-80s,
If you sell this for alot of money you should spend it all and buy a
JVC PC-55. They Rock!

- 71spud

What a DOOF! :drool: :nugget:


Boomus Fidelis
I know he's cool Ira .LOL! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Even MORE than us....... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :surf: :surf: :cool:
I laughed pretty good when I got the message from Ebay. :ebay: :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
Thats pretty good, I have to admit!! Spud is funny... funny haha that is :lol:

We all are cool, we belong to a Brotherhood! :yes:


Member (SA)
I always thought I was more like 3-day-old-chinesetake-out~funny~ :ninja:

Or is that funky? :afro:

Either way thanks for the warm fuzzies guys. :smooch:

(Yes, I know the Ninja is Japanese, not Chinese.... gimme a break)


Staff member
MasterBlaster84 said:
Ghettoman said:
And the fees are getting ridiculous

Just did my first listing in about a month and holy crap the fees jumped big time. The greed is getting worse at ebay, I used to sell regularly but with all of the crap with the economy and now ebay fees I think for the most part I'll stop selling and spend that time on myself, my family and friends. :ebay: :dunce:
:agree: :agree: :agree: :agree:

I got to agree heavily on this one. Ebay gets the trifecta here:
Listing fee, final value auction fee, and paypal fees. All in all, ebay makes a good profit on our hard work and goods. However, ebay has critical mass, which means they are also the best way to expose your product.
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