Awesome story Chris thanks for sharing! I can remember starting first grade, must have been 1983 or 1984 and all the 'big' kids bringing there boomboxes to school to battle it out. The kids lucky enough to have them were mostly in 4th to 6th grade and I can remember the battles happening on the bus and on the playground. Early hip hop and metal were the most frequently played. Criteria for the battles included size, number of d batteries they took, and of course volume. I don't remember sound quality being considered and I don't think I would have known the difference at 6 years old, but more so the amount of people covering their ears being the most important! It was awesome and I remember being surprised that the teachers and bus drivers found it amusing as well....for a few months. Before the snow fell the letter went home stating boomboxes needed to remain at home from now on. Unfortunately I can't recall specific models, I was too young. We had a sanyo in our house that lasted years and years I do remember that. Fast forward 30 years to this june when I heard eminems new single bezerk and I notice the cool old boombox on the album cover. I google vintage boombox and my mind was blown! They are still around and huge collectors items! Suddenly I'm back in 1984 and loving boomboxes again. My collection numbers 8 beauties now (much to the girlfriends dismay) and I am thoroughly enjoying finding, repairing, and listening to them.