Discolite speaker LED mod

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Member (SA)
Retroresto said:
I decided not to change all of the leds out in case I wanted to sell the unit down the road.
Like chris I had a few ideas to change up all of the colors.
I figured this is a simple easily reversed mod, in case a buyer cries about it down the road.
:'-( :'-( :'-( AWWW!! too bad...If I get one, I'll be fearless. After all, I'm the guy who isn't afraid of actually drilling holes into the front of a potentially 2000 US box...for fun....changing LEDs would be a cake-walk, as long as the wiring can take the re-work/re-solder...


Member (SA)
Retroresto said:
I used 4 colored LEDS in the speakers. It came out great, finally a true blue speaker! The other colors are rich also!

I have extra sets with resistors in line already.

I'm still looking for a counter reset button, and one EQ slider cap.

If anyone has these I'll send you a free led kit.
Please share how we can purchase an LED kit from you for those who want to upgrade their Disco Lite. Thanks
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