Did I ruin my deck? please help

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Boomus Fidelis
That pressure plate got a plastic stopper for the flywheel not to come out and normally the gap is 1 mm. This gap adjustment is done with the screw and spring there. This should have nothing to do with motor not working.

I would check all the connectors going to the main board and make sure you didn't hook up one.

Turn the flywheel in the reverse direction and then see it the motor kicks in or not. I've had luck by doing that.

Hard to believe the unit doesn't have auto stop mechanism.

When you press play or any function it engages several leaf switches. See if any one of it is bend out of shape. Handling the deck section without knowing where the leaf switches are can damage it by mistake.


Member (SA)
Every leaf switch that visible is in right position and make good contact when some key is pressed. Except for one switch under the key row:


It's in good shape but I see nothing touch or push it if all the key is pressed.


Staff member
No Offense Koleloi, but you really should not have been inside this boombox. You don't even have a meter, much less the knowledge how to use one. How could we be expected to be of assistance. As for decks, it's absolutely a 100% must to possess good mechanical aptitude -- it simply can't be taught. That means you need to be able to grasp and understand how these things are working, sometimes with n othing more than via just observing and playing with the controls. A service manual will often give you blow up diagrams of the mechanisms if you require reference, but few if any service manuals I know of will give you a step by step instructions on servicing decks. The publishers/engineers expect you to simply know how to do these.

Anyhow, the following might be of help to you, but the rest is really up to you. You have the deck in front of you, you can operate it, feel the controls, observe the mechanical interactions with the various switches, etc. In other words, there is no way we can honestly do the troubleshooting for you. I understand you mentioning that shops are in short supply around you. I feel for you but unfortunately, that's not something we can resolve for you. If you really want to troubleshoot, and it seems like you have been buying boomboxes, I suggest you start with the small easy to work on stuff. Also, I suggest that you NEVER attempt to open up a valuable boombox without first arming yourself with the service manual. It will guide you on disassembly and provide you with reference information such as exploded views and if necessary, schematics to help troubleshoot.



Member (SA)
Thank very much SD, I am not expected someone who can troubleshoot the problem through pictures, I just honestly need some experienced thought about what/where the problem should be. I don't look for a step-by-step help but a general guide or hint on where to look for.

After get some idea, I may get on doing it myself, as I had tried yesterday to find some Techs near my locate, but every one was refusing to help.

Thank for your pics, may I ask where should I find that exploded views, Do you have the Service manual for this box and willing to share.

From your pics, it looks like the spring is the missing M22. I did put it here and nothing happened.

And can you confirm this box has auto-stop or not. I'm accusing myself for letting it play all the Sunday night, I was playing tape and falling asleep - then I woke up in the morning with the dead desk - which was still in play mode. Haha, how newbie I am. :lol:
If it played all night with the auto stop not functioning, it may have caused an issue for the motor. I've never worked on this model and thus I'm sure on this.

Are you able to disconnect the deck motor from the box and test it with a 12v battery to check if the motor is still working ok?

I'm thinking maybe this was the reason the original motor had to be replaced.


Staff member
The answer to EVERYTHING you just asked is in my post and my PM to you (which you mentioned snippets of) but you should understand that not everyone will be able to follow along since they aren't privvy to what you asked me in PM and the subsequent response you received.

You asked for a general guide or hint on where to look: LOOK at the TWO pink arrows pointing at the power switches (hint, hint).

You asked about the spring. I gave you an illustration that shows you exactly where it is supposed to be. It was never suggested that the spring is going to make your motor and capstan turn. However, if and when you fix the motor issue, then you WILL understand why that spring needs to be installed in that spot, and by the way, if you don't adjust the backlash/freeplay properly, and crank down all the way on the backplate screw, there might be too much pressure on the capstan to allow it to turn properly.

As for the service manual, I already told you in the PM where you can get a service manual and the details, and if you are interested, then you can respond via PM on that.

As for autostop feature, you asked someone to confirm to you. I already did that in PM and informed you that this boombox does indeed have an autostop feature.

As for your issue.... IF I had to take a wild guess as to what happened, here's my guess based on what I've seen/read.

1. You rebelted and omitted the backplate adjustment spring.
2. Without the spring to provide tension, you tightened the screw ALL THE WAY, thinking that it was supposed to be tight.
3. This resulted in TOO MUCH TENSION against the capstan flywheel, resulting in overcurrent condition being observed by the motor driver circuit.
4. This is consistent with your comment that you had to "asssist" the motor to get it going. It's not that it didn't get power, it had trouble overcoming the friction which you introduced.
5. This overload condition probably resulted in the motor being fried, or more likely, the driver circuit being overloaded and blowing the regulator, hence now, no more power.

Of course, in order to confirm, you need to be able to test power to the deck power switch while "live" to see if it is indeed receiving the necessary power. Now if you want to test my theory, then you'll need to test and verify and confirm what I just wrote.

So as I told you in PM, I no longer have the patience to do the handholding necessary to walk folks through these having done that one too many times, and now sort of burnt out. However, I'm sure one of the other members who have more patience than I can help you with that.

Well, old man that I now am, I got to get some sleep and rest my weary eyes.
Man, I find this thread frustrating. The 4360 is a box I've always wanted and here is a perfectly good one that's been messed up by a novice with just enough knowledge to get themselves into trouble. :-(

I mean no offence but most members could fix a simple mechanical deck like that deck within 2 beers. :-)

Next time a new member asks for assistance on repairing a grail, I'm going to ask the skill level of the member before I give any advice that could possibly lead to a ****ed up boombox.

I can't help but feel partly responsible for this situation!
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