So dear members and followers

, today the Trommelmops has tested some inserts,
I can say that it is sucessfull tested for the d-shape knobs.

It is tested on a 6.00mm d-shape shaft. And i can say it works fine.
When i put the insert to the shaft, you can turn the shaft, without that the insert slips. It depend on the steelring i made.
In the inserts are no bumps. Its in original only for the line up or for the right positioning. Its absolut not needed. Maybee i chande the design.
In original they have sometimes only one cut. So i test this also. I will figure it out what the best is.
I have made the cut with a 0.3mm thin bladecutter. But before i must made a special holder for the bladecutter....Like always
The material for the inserts i took is the right choice.
So from now on i know how it goes