custom lasonic with better pics

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Staff member
Fatdog said:
I personally think it looks WAY better in silver. :yes: The control panel and all the colors seem to stand out better.

I f I had seen this post before Bobby the words would have been EXACTLY the same word for word! :agree: :agree: :agree: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Infinitely better in silver. Lasonic should have tried it in silver, and if they did and passed it up, all I can say is for shame Lasonic!
Very nice choice of silver too; a deeper one instead of chintsy light one.

Old school Scott

Member (SA)
That looks awesome.
I could have sworn that I saw a silver version of this Lasonic on ebay a year ago.
I missed my opportunity, but I was drooling over it so much I bought my black one.
It sure does make the panel colors pop.

Cheers OSS :afro:
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