Current state of the boombox marketplace

What is the state of our current boombox marketplace

  • 1: In the grand canyon............... crickets...............

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2: In the ravine with hardly a nice radio to be seen in sight

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • 3: In the ditch.

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • 4: In a rut

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • 5: Average market -- nothing to see here.... move along.

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • 6: Picking up some steam

    Votes: 11 26.8%
  • 7: Pretty good. Nice selection and some fighting for boomboxes.

    Votes: 19 46.3%
  • 8: Some hard to find stuff we haven't seen in years. Hard fought battles necessary to win.

    Votes: 14 34.1%
  • 9: Break out the bank. WooHoo -- good selection for buyers, good prices for sellers

    Votes: 6 14.6%
  • 10: I'm applying for a mortgage now.

    Votes: 2 4.9%

  • Total voters
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Staff member
redbenjoe said:
try this same poll ... 1/2 year from now :-)

Good idea.

BTW, here is some interesting results:
#10 has as many votes as #1 + #2 + #3 combined.
#9 has as many votes as #5.
#7 is just one vote shy of #'s 6+5+4+3+2+1 combined. :-O

By all accounts, it's a pretty strong market. :yes:


Member (SA)
I chose #5, I think the large wild grail is becoming more difficult to find downunder. :thumbsdown:

When they are listed on Ebay, they seem horrendously expensive, for average condition boxes.

But, I live in hope of the flea / trash'n' treasure market find :thumbsup:

Just my $0.02 worth.

Master Z

Member (SA)
It would suck if ebay was the only source you had to score a decent box. I know some of you guys fall in this catagory and I feel for ya. :-/
I recommend you move near a metropolitain area, more people = better chances at finding boxes. :-P

That being said, the market in my area is looking pretty good.
I would like to thank the Motor City for some of the fine boxes i've been able to snag up. Having the D right down the road has netted me some killer boxes for extremely short dough, like an M90, 975, a Kaboom, 931 and a recent addition just this week! :-O :yes: :w00t:

What is it you ask????
The wild grail Master has struck again! :cool:

I'll give you a hint, its silver..........


Boomus Fidelis
Master Z said:
I would like to thank the Motor City for some of the fine boxes i've been able to snag up. Having the D right down the road has netted me some killer boxes for extremely short dough, like an M90, 975, a Kaboom, 931 and a recent addition just this week! :-O :yes: :w00t:
Yeah I could see how that'd be true...

but you also got Davis-Besse in your backyard :-P :lol:

Master Z

Member (SA)
There's actually 2 nuke power plants in a 50 mile radius by where I live ( Bessie and Fermi II). :-O

And fuz, nice guess, but no.
Another hint???

It's a three piece that looks like a 1 piece box.........


I Am Legend
hey--we all got off-topic from norms fine // intellectual attempt to make
a coherent thread :-) :-) :spam: :eek:fftopic: :gathering: :police:

:-O :breakdance: :super:


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
hey--we all got off-topic from norms fine // intellectual attempt to make
a coherent thread :-) :-) :spam: :eek:fftopic: :gathering: :police:

:-O :breakdance: :super:
And with that thought, the entire post ground to a halt! :-)

Now that we are off topic :-D

if a boombox is on in the forest but there is no one there to hear it, is it still playing music?


Member (SA)
i chose 7....
i see all these boxes going for insane prices now...
but i am still getting fair deals by being patient/ready and not getting into an emotional bidding war.
i think it is currently a sellers market, but researched/seasoned collectors should still able to make it through.

last 60 days winnings
'Conion Vintage Boombox C-100FF' - BIN $350


'Vintage JVC RC-M70 Boom Box Ghetto Blaster' (W/ Strap) - Auction $149.00

'Lasonic Stereo Boombox, Old School Cassette Player' (TRC-920) - Auction $91.00

'EARLY LASONIC TRC931 Boombox square model working NR' - Auction $76.00

'187 Cassette's R&B / Soul / Hip Hop / Good Dance Music.' - Auction $14.75

These boxes are not perfect, but I am ok with that. I have a lot of parts boxes here ready for most of them. Sidenote, the Conion seller didnt pack the item well and issued a $100 refund to fix some damage. So I picked that one up for $250 plus shipping and have a beater I am gonna swap the parts on.


Boomus Fidelis
reptoid said:
i chose 7....
i see all these boxes going for insane prices now...
but i am still getting fair deals by being patient/ready and not getting into an emotional bidding war.
i think it is currently a sellers market, but researched/seasoned collectors should still able to make it through.

last 60 days winnings
'Conion Vintage Boombox C-100FF' - BIN $350


'Vintage JVC RC-M70 Boom Box Ghetto Blaster' (W/ Strap) - Auction $149.00

'Lasonic Stereo Boombox, Old School Cassette Player' (TRC-920) - Auction $91.00

'EARLY LASONIC TRC931 Boombox square model working NR' - Auction $76.00

'187 Cassette's R&B / Soul / Hip Hop / Good Dance Music.' - Auction $14.75

These boxes are not perfect, but I am ok with that. I have a lot of parts boxes here ready for most of them. Sidenote, the Conion seller didnt pack the item well and issued a $100 refund to fix some damage. So I picked that one up for $250 plus shipping and have a beater I am gonna swap the parts on.
Good luck with those grail boomers :thumbsup: they were all great prices, but if you already have parts boxes to finish them off then its well worth it for you.... but for someone who does not have the parts or even the know how then most likely not worth it for them :hmmm: Pics when your done please :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Hi Norm-Great Thread!
I picked 7 & 8 as there are finds & some grails from time to time-even lately,but I agree,prices have gone way up on some stuff.
But there are sometimes where prices can be all over the place.
Sometimes it can even depend on when the item ends & on what day & if it needs work & that's where I come in! :yes:
Unless it's big time work but when you have 2 boomers,you can usually get 1 good one.

I guess I'm like Melly-I'm glad I got my last 100 or so when the prices were like better,1-2 years ago.
I need a WX-1 someday & another M-90 and I'm afraid it's going to cost me dearly!! :-O
Have a great time a collectin'-GB. :-) :agree: :cool: :-O :yes: :-)


Member (SA)
Master Z said:
It would suck if ebay was the only source you had to score a decent box. I know some of you guys fall in this catagory and I feel for ya. :-/
I recommend you move near a metropolitain area, more people = better chances at finding boxes. :-P

That being said, the market in my area is looking pretty good.
I would like to thank the Motor City for some of the fine boxes i've been able to snag up. Having the D right down the road has netted me some killer boxes for extremely short dough, like an M90, 975, a Kaboom, 931 and a recent addition just this week! :-O :yes: :w00t:

What is it you ask????
The wild grail Master has struck again! :cool:

I'll give you a hint, its silver..........

Master z,

What's your secret, are you posting flyers or going to flea markets? Down I75 (Cincinnati) I am having NO luck, so with the exception of a few members here, I used to rely on eBay solely for my very small collection... :-/

Master Z

Member (SA)
Hey Poindexter,
The answer to you question is yes!
When I'm looking for boxes I gotta spread the word.
Tell everyone you know, the more eyes out there, the better.
Post wanted ads in craigslist,
Post ads in the free local paper in your town
Make flyers and hang em' up around town.
Pop in at fleas, goodwills etc. every once in a while.
If you have a smart phone get that craigslist ap that searches for you and notifies you if something comes up locally.

But I gotta be honest with you, this last one kinda just popped up, I really wasnt looking or had any ads up in a long time.

Again SD, Sorry for the thread jack, :blush: but this could help people that are subject to a crappy market.
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