Crown CSC 300 L

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Member (SA)
Yes very nice!!!
Please bring it to the meeting. I will bring my 350. For the family picture :-D :thumbsup:


I Am Legend
DrmZ said:
Yes very nice!!!
Please bring it to the meeting. I will bring my 350. For the family picture :-D :thumbsup:

hey drmz --
i just studied your awesome flicker photos :drool: :drool:
(EVERY member here should be REQUIRED to see these)

you have one of the best // best quality collections ever assembled :thumbsup:
fb never came back to reply :huh:

so -- asking you if you think the 300 and 350 have the identical sound -?
what are their dimensions ?
and how does your 350 sound compared to your m70 or crown 850 etc ?

and --those 350 speakers look exactly like the pioneer 900s -
which is a big surprise-
cuz most all pioneer stuff is so proprietary --right ? :-)


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
DrmZ said:
Yes very nice!!!
Please bring it to the meeting. I will bring my 350. For the family picture :-D :thumbsup:

hey drmz --
i just studied your awesome flicker photos :drool: :drool:
(EVERY member here should be REQUIRED to see these)

you have one of the best // best quality collections ever assembled :thumbsup:
:agree: . Been watching it a few times :yes: .


Member (SA)
Thank you. :-)

From the looks I would say the Crown CSC-300 and 350 are basically the same Model with a few changes. My 350 got Dolby for example.
Their concept looks a lot like the Pioneer SK-900s. They have two full range speakers and two passive radiators about the same size as the Pioneer.
I didn´t hear a SK-900 yet but I guess they will sound pretty similar.



Member (SA)
Master Z said:
Thanks for posting it up, thats a rare box. Looks awesome!
How does it sound?
hi! the sound of crown csc 300 is powerful 2x20 .have inside a very big amplifier ,the same like national rx-5350. eat 75w from 220v.
is very powerful for this size.


Member (SA)
Zippy said:
There were two on ebay Germany recently... I bid on both, got neither :'-(
But I'm glad at least one ended up in a member's collection :yes:
And like everyone else here I'm despereate to know some details!
hey! zippy.
the second is in my collection now. i was the winner. :yes: :-D
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