Crown 950

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Member (SA)
howie1976 said:
Hey brotha, my deepest sympathies go out to you and your family. I know what you are going through. I lost my father a little over 2 years ago and his passing has forever changed my life. Being an only child and dealing with the emotional aspect along with all of the other responsibilities of his loss while trying to support my mom was (and to a lesser extent continues to be) the most challenging period in my life. You're gonna need all the support you can get. I know it's a bit odd to think of getting support from me or any of the other members that have reached out to you but sometimes getting support from someone outside your immediate circle is exactly what you need. So truly take me up on my offer when I say I'm here for you and hope to hear from you soon.

A year almost to the day that my father passed I got my first boombox and started collecting. But it wasn't the boxes that have gotten me through his loss but rather the meaningful friendships that I have made with members such as Steve (SLO), Dave (Dr. Der) Chris (Lasonic TRC- 920), Manny (mancardo) etc... We all say we "love" our boxes but in reality we LOVE the friendships and other human connections that they have brought us.


Member (SA)
systemaddict said:
Been a while since I posted anything boom box dad has recently passed away and I have struggled with things.

Anyway maybe this will pick me up a little when it arrives,, any opinions on this box would be greatly appreciated...actual photo below...
I'm sorry to hear about your father...hang in there brother.


Member (SA)
systemaddict you made a fine choice with the 950, MyOhMy and Chris summed it up well, there is balance and there is class all wrapped up in one glorious blaster :-)

I know where you're at right now too brotha. I'm only a few days away from being 10 years without my mom, and it just takes time to heal, I've known no other remedy to lost lives or loves. Hang in there and remember you're not alone! :yes:


Member (SA)
Good words there Howie, and hey systemaddict, my condolences go out to you and your family on the loss of your Pop's :-/ Like everyone has said, we're all here for support brother. I hope the new Crown will help the healing process for you, take care of yourself man...


Member (SA)
Very sorry to hear about your loss of your father.My deepest sympathies and condolences to you and your family.The Crown sure is a beauty.I've never heard one in person,but from what I see in YouTube vids and hear from people who've owned them say they rock.Look forward to your review.Sincerely,Ralph.


Member (SA)
Aaron hello from me too , my condolences for the loss you had .
Drop me a message anytime you like brother .


Member (SA)
Guys thank you all so much for all the kind words and support,it truly means a lot.
I have just received the crown and as much as I like the look and sound of it,I just don't have the will to be stoked at the moment. Here is a few quick shots and once again thank you all so much brothers.20160212_154902.jpg20160212_154846.jpg20160212_154837.jpg


Member (SA)
Cor she is a bit of a looker eh?

Its to be expected that it won't bring the joy it usually would at the moment mate but you'll come back to it, and love it :)


Member (SA)
Yeah she sure looks good tre,like you say I will come back to it and love it. I will do a full review with plenty of pics in time Bro.


Boomus Fidelis
i understand it being hard to get excited about something when life gets harder, but you gotta have something to look forward to or life ain't worth living . trust me boomboxes are not my priority anymore but they have given me something to distract myself from the **** pile known as life,


Member (SA)
JVC Floyd said:
i understand it being hard to get excited about something when life gets harder, but you gotta have something to look forward to or life ain't worth living . trust me boomboxes are not my priority anymore but they have given me something to distract myself from the shiat pile known as life,
Amen brotha!!! Truer words have never been spoken on this site!👍

Lasonic TRC-920

Glad that 950 showed up safe and sound, she looks to be a nice unit. Like others have said, set her aside for now and when the moment hit's you, have another look. Good luck brother.


Member (SA)
Thanks Chris your a true brother, as it happens I have done a small tribute video using the Crown today, it really performs and the excitement is starting to kick in. Struggling with the upload at the minute but soon as I can upload I will.
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