CONION C - 126

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Member (SA)
Hey everybody , here are some pictures of my Conion C-126 , this is a fantastic box , very clean with a great sound plenty of bottom end and heaps of volume
To me this box sounds better than the earlier C100 , a lot more range through highs to lows , Has only one issue the bottom deck needs belts . :yes: :-P :-P







Member (SA)
Bit unfair to compare it to a C-100 that has been broken down into parts because it had issues ;-)


Member (SA)
Congratulations! It looks great. I've heard these sound better than the TC999 :hmmm: I've never heard the C126. It's on my want list too.


Member (SA)
Yea I love mine too. But sound better than either C-100f is a bit far fetched. I have all three and the original sounds the loudest and meanest of all CONION's!!!! :thumbsup:


Boomus Fidelis
Jboogie2384 said:
Yea I love mine too. But sound better than either C-100f is a bit far fetched. I have all three and the original sounds the loudest and meanest of all CONION's!!!! :thumbsup:

I agree neither the Tc999 or C126 sound better than the Japanese C100. Although its a great box :-D

Bad Boy Bill


Member (SA)
Looks like i've opened up a can of worms with my comment about C100 sound comparison to the C126 , it's only my personal opinion, i have a C100 , while i do admitt that the c100 is a great looking box , it just a small test i did , but i'm not trying to run the king of boxes down in anyway . so some of you touchy collectors may have got the wrong impression , just coolit dudes .
tshorha , i do have a broken down c100 and i have a good one also , and have had several in the past , maybe you guys want to run a thread on what is the best sounding box


Member (SA)
sharpbomm said:
so some of you touchy collectors may have got the wrong impression , just coolit dudes .

Relax, if you can't handle people giving their opinions don't make A vs B statements. This is a forum and as such people will respond to statements like that and have every right to. I do find it hard to believe a collector of 1.5 years in Au has owned many C-100 considering how rare they are down here.

sharpbomm said:
maybe you guys want to run a thread on what is the best sounding box

Again it's not about that


Member (SA)
jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
Regardless of which one sounds best (C126 or C100), the C126 sure does look nice!! Love those power meters! :yes:

:agree: 100%! Its a great looking radio. Sounds nice and is light so it makes for great portability. Won't stretch out the arm as much as a 100 would! :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
I had a mint conditioned C-126 and my C-100 at the same time as well.
Although i loved my 126 to bits I have to agree with the majority on this one.
126 not in the same league as the 100 At all :nonono: :sadno: :no:
I am afraid sharpbomm you might want to bring your 100 in to a repair shop. :lol:


Member (SA)
The only thing I don't like about the C-126 is the grill covers, plus I don't like the single antenna, apart from that, it's a great box to have, and the "gold faced" C-126 is even nicer...I still would like to find the black C-126 as it looks the business!


Member (SA)
tshorba , i have had several C-100's over the years before i was really collecting them , i was lucky enough to find them through my job , i don't recalll saying that i had been collecting 1.5 years . there were more around them , but you could be right , they maybe harder to find now , i also agree i should have not made that comparison , but never the less it was only my own opinion.


Member (SA)
sharpbomm said:
i also agree i should have not made that comparison , but never the less it was only my own opinion.

Your opinion is ALL good here! I have been doing sound comparo's with all of my boxes just to see where they stand, and I never really post my results.

I actually own a JVC M70JW...that obliviates all 5 of my mint M90's!

Sorry for the thread jack, and I'm calling DIBS on your C-126!
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