Conion C-100 vs Clairtone 7980

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Ira, $250 was his craigslist price then I spotted it on ebay for $500 BIN and negotiated for $350 shipped. He told me that he had people willing to pay the $500 plus shipping overseas for the box so I had to bump up from $250 to $350 to get the sale.... If someone paid $500 and international shipping and received this boombox in this condition they would have **** A BRICK!

Suprisingly the boombox wasn't damaged from the shipping but I do hear small plastic things moving inside the case when I tip it from side to side. Like little pebbles/rocks. :no:

I took some pics, they are at home right now I can load them later.

So, if I file a claim with paypal will I have to send this boombox back? I am negotiating a $150-$200 refund through him right now which would bring my purchase price down to $150-$200 with free shipping.


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
Ira, $250 was his craigslist price then I spotted it on ebay for $500 BIN and negotiated for $350 shipped. He told me that he had people willing to pay the $500 plus shipping overseas for the box so I had to bump up from $250 to $350 to get the sale.... If someone paid $500 and international shipping and received this boombox in this condition they would have shiat A BRICK!

Suprisingly the boombox wasn't damaged from the shipping but I do hear small plastic things moving inside the case when I tip it from side to side. Like little pebbles/rocks. :no:

I took some pics, they are at home right now I can load them later.

So, if I file a claim with paypal will I have to send this boombox back? I am negotiating a $150-$200 refund through him right now which would bring my purchase price down to $150-$200 with free shipping.

Depending on what the box really looks like, I would probably keep it with a partial refund and resotre it (after all you have a whole parts box ;-) ).
Or you can get the partial refund, send it to me and I can realize my Star Wars custom Conion concept :lol:


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Yeah, the plan is to keep it and restore. I'm just bummed out right now...... after a refund goes through I will be sour but much happier :yes: .


Boomus Fidelis
blu_fuz said:
Ira, $250 was his craigslist price then I spotted it on ebay for $500 BIN and negotiated for $350 shipped. He told me that he had people willing to pay the $500 plus shipping overseas for the box so I had to bump up from $250 to $350 to get the sale.... If someone paid $500 and international shipping and received this boombox in this condition they would have shiat A BRICK!

Suprisingly the boombox wasn't damaged from the shipping but I do hear small plastic things moving inside the case when I tip it from side to side. Like little pebbles/rocks. :no:

I took some pics, they are at home right now I can load them later.

So, if I file a claim with paypal will I have to send this boombox back? I am negotiating a $150-$200 refund through him right now which would bring my purchase price down to $150-$200 with free shipping.

Joe you can't make one good box with the Conion and clairtone you have :hmmm: most of issues sound easy to fix. Both decks cleaned, lube and rebelted as for missing channel it could need switches and controls deoxited real good. I got mine and one channel barely coming in :-/ As for glue on front goo gone may take that off. Good luck :thumbsup:


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The right channel issue seems to get better with working the line-in switch back and fourth a bunch. Probably needs cleaning. The right side analog meter and the LEDs isn't as high as the left side. Again, probably just dirty somewhere.

The Conion I have for parts/restore is in rough shape. Doesn't power up with batteries or cord...... I'm sure if I needed parts something might be good from it but no way to test these parts from this conion box.

The biggest issue is the glue on the front. It's not really glue, but more like acrylic cement in the way that it physically distorts/melts the plastic. The aluminum face plate on the Clairtone is still loose but it looks like a section peeled up, they pulled on it even more kinking the aluminum trim, and then tried to squirt this glue under it. It's really ugly. I'll get the pics up later.


Member (SA)
That's sad Fuz :'-( especially the part how you spent your b-day money. Karma man, that guy will get his. what goes around comes around. Don't let it eat you away. If I can find one in the wild, you can too:)


Member (SA)
Damn Fuz thats a really bad news :'-( . I was so exited in the beginning of all this :-/ . Damn 350 is a lot for beaten box. Even C100 IMO :sadno: . And all the stress involved in this :nonono: . Good luck dude. Fingers crossed you'll have a good refund.


Member (SA)
sorry to hear that, joe.
i am confident you will get a decent enough refund to make everything well.....
plus you have a parts box which is a bonus.
nothin worse than expecting the best and getting the worst...been there
i ended up payin 350 for my 7980 afer refund...neither decks work, most of the knobs are broke, its kinda dirty, but it sounds absolutely phenomenal.
in time...youre gonna be very happy. its the baddest box ever made.


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Member (SA)
Hey Joe,
that does not look TOO bad ;-)
Look at the bright side: You have two Conions now :-D .
The packing job sucks big time and it is a miracle it survived the trip. :-O

What bothers me is the mic mixing knob - it is NOT original but still original Conion. The mic mixing one usually is shorter :hmmm:


Member (SA)
wow, not even bubble wrap. Surprised the case didn't break. The first clairtone I bought was shipped in a box with so much bubble wrap, it was ridiculous. That one was also "not as described". The screw mounts? some of them were cracked. So I basically had to crazy glue the case together :sadno:


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I havn't checked to see if any screw posts were bad yet, I'm not looking forward to that. I can fix them though.....

So my MIC mix knob isn't original? :hmmm: I thought it stuck out really far :lol: :yes: . That would explain it.

It doesn't LOOK too bad but, like I said, this was supposed to be a FULLY WORKING box . I knew/expected for it to be dirty and need a good cleaning or a screw post repaired, etc..... but both decks not working, the GLUE (which I didn't take pics of all of it so it's hard to understand), and the straight up lying.

Still no refund :-/

I asked him what the hold up is and he said "I have to get the money into paypal first. My mom is figuring that out."


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
My mom is figuring that out.

:dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce:
WTF? You probably bought from some stupid teenager kid who "fixed" the box with this glue-job himself after he found his dad's old boombox in the basement :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: .
I am shocked man :sadno: .
All the best with your refund.


Boomus Fidelis
blu_fuz said:
Yep, and we all knew it shouldn't be and I told him not to :nonono: .

What a doofis :dunce: .
Sorry Joe :sadno: just another reason why I try and pick up my bbx's.... No Trust in the shippers/Shipping company's :thumbsdown:
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