carboot sale comes through.....terrific find

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No pics = it didn't really happen. :-)

I found five M90s for free, honest!! Sorry, I don't know how to post pics! :-)

Congrats by the way,
The 5500 is a wonderful model!!


Member (SA)
cheers for the pic upload offer blue_fuz :yes: but my main man si northerner is going to do it,i thought id sent him a pic but hadnt lol,well i have done now so anytime soon you guys will see the proof ;-) and thanks for all the warming comments,i appreciate it,the 5500 is a lovely machine through and through,one of my all time favourites for sure :clap:


Member (SA)
you can see from this as found pic how rough she started out....dont know why she had all the blue rope on her :hmmm: ive cleaned her up now but even minus the blue rope theres little difference im afraid,but,id rather have her than a big mac meal any day of the week,and that would cost the same price :lol:


Member (SA)
jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
Someone has had it apart at some stage in the past as the handle is on backwards with the 2 screws facing forwards.

The 5500 is a great looking box!!
Whoops! :-D


Member (SA)
yep,i feared that,youd think theyd have put it back together right lol :bang: .it needs a service soon anyway as the deck runs slightly too slow so when ive done the deck ill turn the handle around and fit two new screws :yes: youre right jimmyjimmy,it is a great looking box,its the one you think of when you think of a classic one piece radio,for sure :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
from the same guy,and the same carboot....a sharp gf8585 this saturday.....apart from yesterday when it tried to kill me :lol: i impaled part of the deck straight through my index finger.....ouch :sadno:


Member (SA)
yep,even now si bro its still sore-doctor says i could have months of nail infections etc ahead til it heals properly :sad:
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