Can't find thread, please help

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Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
LOL, I wasn't pitching my strap sale in my post - it's part of my signature that goes at the bottom of every post I make. Thanks for reading it anyway!

Good luck with the woofer
I was just kidding; still, doesn't hurt to throw out all the lines I can!

Hopefully someone will come across my posts and have one to spare!

I'd really love to find a speaker that fits this hole properly without requiring a chop job. The tuner on this M60 is fantastic as is, unrestored (about a million 30+ years old caps), better than my Fisher 500-C for pulling stations. And the "500-C" has been completely gone through and aligned! Wish the RC-M60JW was a little more "ghettofabulous" in looks and thumped a little harder in the bass department but it's still a damn fine radio.



Member (SA)
JVC Floyd said:
finally got the radio packed up , will get shipping quote as soon as i can.
Sounds like a plan Brother, thank you.

PLEASE do this at your leisure; I realize you work for a living. I want to just send you the money cash; I'll take the risk. If you want to wait until it's in your hands, that cool too. It's just the way I like to do it if it's for anything less than $25 bucks and I've never lost yet. "F" PreyPal.

Just let me know how much and how you want to go and I'll get it in the mail to you. PM me your mailing address.

Thank you again Floyd,
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