Hell Yeah!
OK, who remembers these old arcade tricks?
Early on you could...
1) Drag your feet on the carpet, jump up and "Click" the quarter on the metal coin slot and it would shock the machine into giving one credit. (they caught on and soon they switched to plastic coin slots)
2) Use "Slugs" as quarters. Near my local arcade was an apartment construction site. We use to go and collect the hole slugs that came from the electrical conduit boxes. File down the notch tab and use them as quarters. (it didn't take long for them to catch onto this too and they made changes to the machines that would not accept them)
3) Quarter on a string. We used to tie a piece of thread to a quarter via a tiny hole drilled in the quarter. Drop it in, just so far, then pull it out once it registered a credit. (Again, they figured this out. Rumor was they put a small blade inside to cut the string.
Anyone else got any tricks you used to use?
Someone discovered pouring fizzy drink down the coin slot gave free credit but I think this a fluke because it never worked again and I'm sure several machines needed to be repaired because everyone tried that for a while! A couple of machines with a knee level coin slot responded with a gentle tap or 2 with your foot with free credit and the pool table could be temporary jammed with a 5p to allow free play. Best though was some older lads doing plumbing at the collage discovered that you could cut out a 50 pence shape from a sheet of lead and almost every machine would accept it as cash which meant free games, drinks and even cigarettes for all!