Boombox weight and power output by model

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Member (SA)
baddboybill said:
sote said:
I've just weighed my Crown SZ5100-SL at 5.9kg / 13.00 lbs.

Empty, no batteries or cassettes.

That's probably the largest but lightest box in the world :lol:

Bad Boy Bill

Haha, yeah its quite portable for its size :-D


Boomus Fidelis
baddboybill said:
sote said:
I've just weighed my Crown SZ5100-SL at 5.9kg / 13.00 lbs.

Empty, no batteries or cassettes.

That's probably the largest but lightest box in the world :lol:

Crowns have a tendancy for that -------- These two boxes weigh exactly the same!! :-O



Requiem Æternam
Looking at the destruction manual for the sony cfs-f40. I was surprised, to see, weight, without batteries is 12.5kg. Same as a gf777, i think? I thought, it might be around 16/17, mmm.


Member (SA)
Sharp HK-9000 - system - 32.6 lbs (14.8kg)
Sansui CP-7 - 21.6 lbs (9.8kg)
Sharp VZ-Z2 - 36.3 lbs (16.5kg)


Boomus Fidelis
Sazeus said:
An ebay auction says an RX-A2 weighs 22.5KG. That can't be right can it?
If you include the 4th piece (the cassette storage case and compartment for cables/mics) it's about 45 lbs, yes 22 kg sounds about right.


Member (SA)
If you include the 4th piece (the cassette storage case and compartment for cables/mics) it's about 45 lbs, yes 22 kg sounds about right.
Yup, I just moved house last weekend and was reminded how heavy that thing is.


Member (SA)
Just rehabbed my PC 5 prior to putting it up for sale and weighed it for shipping.
27 lbs. / 12.25 Kg - not bad for a boomer that's only 21 in long. It's heavier than a GF 777!


Member (SA)
I was sure that someone had already posted the weight of a Technics SA-C05L to this thread, they didn't, so for the record, this is what that monster weighs:


No, your eyes do not deceive you, that's 3st6 :jawdrop: , a whopping 24Kg in overseas units of weight!

The only thing heavier is its appetite for D cells when I swap the mains supply out in favour of the battery. :sad:


Boomus Fidelis
Beosystem10 said:
I was sure that someone had already posted the weight of a Technics SA-C05L to this thread, they didn't, so for the record, this is what that monster weighs:


No, your eyes do not deceive you, that's 3st6 :jawdrop: , a whopping 24Kg in overseas units of weight!

The only thing heavier is its appetite for D cells when I swap the mains supply out in favour of the battery. :sad:

Yeah, I'm gonna have to call BS to that......There is no way a stone-age scale like that is accurate. :lol: Get with the times, a new digital scale is only $10-20! :tease:


Boomus Fidelis
Superduper said:
Inaccuracy is probably the same Reli. The only difference is now, you can't blame your eyes. :lol:
Those old manual scales are garbage, you can stand on them 5 different times and get 5 different readings. Too much internal friction on the rotating numeral wheel. A digital Tanita scale is way more accurate IMO, I can put a radio on it 5 times and get the same reading down to the ounce.
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