Boombox Addictions and Relationship Drama

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I Am Legend
MasterBlaster84 said:
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
I sure hope we didn't loose Holly! :-O

We have so few girls on here and she is very active! That would just STINK! :thumbsdown:

:agree: We and this hobby need Holly and even more like her. :yes:

i agree also

lets keep holly :thumbsup: :yes:


Member (SA)
and then he !

took the computer away :lol:

I'm surprised he didn't...


So... Sorry about the long wait. Had to put some fires out, so to speak.

I REALLY NEED A BATTERY COVER. So, if you have one that would be great.

Anyway, on to the story.

I felt REALLY guilty, especially because I took a half-time job to get back into my field and we couldn't really afford it (nothing new there.) And now my husband is giddy about what it is I spent $200 on...

So I hid it. And hid it. and it stayed hidden until I went to mom's cabin the beginning of this month.

That's when he didn't respond to my occasional texts. When I finally was able to reach him at work, I was talking to him and he seemed not really excited to talk to me. I asked him if something was wrong and he said, "yes, I was cleaning things out and I found it. I've been pretty mad the last couple days, but I'm getting over it, now." I said how sorry I was and felt really bad. He said he's OK now, but still a little frustrated.

Then I texted him the next day saying I really only wanted it for the strap and we could sell the box if he wanted. He said we should keep it and that he hooked it up to the other one and just about DIED! He's like, "YOU SHOULD HEAR THESE THINGS TOGETHER! I assigned one to the right side the other to the left and OMG! We're keeping it for sure!"

So moral of the story is that if you're a girl you get an easier pass when you make an impulse boombox buzz buy.... not that I really plan on doing it again anytime soon.

I really started this thread to see what kinds of drama you all have regarding unplanned/unbudgeted boombox purchases. Any stories?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
It's not uncommon for our type of people to HIDE boomboxes until the time is right to reveal it and how to tell the story correctly to make your significant other OK with what you just did......

I would have done it too!

Matter of fact I have 2 boxes in hiding right now :yes: :w00t: :lol:

Lasonic TRC-920

Hey Holly, WOW, you really had us all freaked out there! Glad to hear it all worked out...

The beauty part is, when people usually first hear them...suddenly everything is "All Good". :yes:

As for wife has been gone for 2 years.....I have radio's all over the house. She knows how many I have BUT she has yet to see all of them!

It's also tough to hide them when large heavy postal packages keep being delivered to her house in Japan! (more on that at the end of the year!!!!)


Member (SA)
I for one can tell you that I used to get nervous when a UPS or FedEx truck came down my street because I was always waiting for a boombox to arrive. My original agreement with my wife was 3 boomboxes. That was before I was aware of the number of quality boomboxes available. When I reached 10 me and the wife butted heads about that being too many. I went into her closet and started counting the number of unused Coach purses that I had paid for and the fact that I support the entire household and this very inexpensive hobby makes me happy. I promised to keep my hobby confined to my "Man-cave" and she pretty much leaves me alone now. I am at 32 boomboxes and don't have many left on my wanted list. There were definitely many bumps in the road in getting to this point but we were able to reach a happy medium (sort of). I feel if I pay every bill in the house, pay into both of our retirement funds, buy her a new car every 4 years....I should be able to spend a few hundred dollars on a boombox when I want as long as it does not affect any bills. It took time but she finally accepted my point of view...she probably realized I wasn't going to stop anyway, so she took the "if you can't beat them join them" approach. It works so all turned out well... :-D

Radio 80's FM

Member (SA)
My wife new I was crazy when she married me so she really can't be angry with me (I hope).
I have however had my access to Japanese Boomboxes cut :'-(
I have a good start to my collection so as long as I keep future purchases in the double digits I should be cool!
Good to hear how it turned out.not sure it would have worked out the way it did if the genders were reversed!!

shane higgins

Member (SA)
ezy arron gives them to me for free
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
ahhhhh she loves me no mater what

ok we need to start the Holly boombox fund
so hubby wont become a princess :'-( :'-( :'-(
dont give up your life for anyone
we only gett one chance ( i think) hope not)
when you have 300 boomboxes then the other half can start to conplain but until then :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :breakdance:


Member (SA)
I think we should all hide purchases from our significant others.
Especially when it is purchased with money we don't even have.
Now that's what I'm talking about. :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
I'm lucky as can be; I am allowed to bring home anything I want as long as she isn't tripping over it!! :thumbsup:
i have heard my gf say on several occasions, i wish you spent as much as spend on boomboxes on me. so i bought her a boombox hahaha of course she doesnt know i bought it for her its on display with the rest of them
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