BOLOGNA! No freaking way - ebay prices again.....

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Staff member
The only things I have to say on the subject is:

(1) Over the years, ferrari's don't always outperform the lowly corvettes but prices aren't always commensurate with performance so brand does make a difference
(2) If I had a choice to purchase either a GE or a Sharp -- I'd probably buy the Sharp.
(3) The meters might be on tuning/battery mode which would account for their position.
(4) The market price is not dictated by what YOU think it should sell for. It's a function of someone having something that somebody else wants enough to pay a certain price for at that particular point in time. These are not cans of soup in the supermarket shelves, each are unique in condition, performance, accessory compliment and each simply can not be equated to any other simply for the fact that they are the exact same model. For that reason, if anyone felt it was not worth it and should have sold for lower, that would account for the reason you don't now own that exact example.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hahaha, OKokOKok :lol:

Agree, /thread ;-) .

It brings out good discussion though :yes: . Now I might not really want a 9191/9494 if one pops up for sale :-/


Boomus Fidelis
blu_fuz said:
skippy1969 said:
I think the point Blu_Fuz is trying to make is that $300.00 + is too much for a Blockbuster........... :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

:lol: - pretty much what I am getting at - :lol:

Either way, to find one like it (if fully working), with book and tag, sure. No book, no tag = $150-$175ish fully working *to me* :yes:
:agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree:
I believe you and I talked about this very subject at your place a couple of weeks ago........... :yes: :-D :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
It may be woth $300 to someone but I would never pay that amount for one...but to each his own. Funny thing is a very clean Blockbuster sold the day before for $61, so what does that tell you??


Boomus Fidelis
skippy1969 said:
I think the point Blu_Fuz is trying to make is that $300.00 + is too much for a Blockbuster........... :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
Or a 9191/9494, IMO :-P

(unless it came with the manual & tag like that Blockbuster ) :-P

And this is the first I've heard of Sharp being considered a premium brand. :huh: To each his own I guess, but I've always considered Aiwa, JVC, and Panasonic the best quality brands.

Oh well, I just like to argue. :smooch:


Boomus Fidelis
Reli said:
skippy1969 said:
I think the point Blu_Fuz is trying to make is that $300.00 + is too much for a Blockbuster........... :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
Or a 9191/9494, IMO :-P

(unless it came with the manual & tag like that Blockbuster ) :-P

And this is the first I've heard of Sharp being considered a premium brand. :huh: To each his own I guess, but I've always considered Aiwa, JVC, and Panasonic the best quality brands.

Oh well, I just like to argue. :smooch:

Nothing wrong with that............ :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Boomus Fidelis
BMoney said:
Why is it BS? :huh: Good luck finding another one like it. That Blockbuster was mad clean and still had the GE hang tag with their "We Bring Good Things To Life" slogan. :cool: It would be headed my way if I had had the cash to win. :yes:
:agree: :agree: :agree: most of the ones i have seen the deck is shot to be honest so in the shape this one is in with all those added eye candy i guess you could say thats about the right price :yes: :yes: :drool: :drool:


Member (SA)
ooooo I like to hit the bees nest too! My turn, my turn! As an owner of a Blockbuster GE, and a sharp gf-9090, and a sharp gf-9292......I know for a fact the GE kicks the crap out of both of them in sound, stereo separation, features and looks. I call it even in build quality, especially the 9090, because the 9090 is brick of a radio for its size! I no longer own the sharps because I cannot hang onto something like those radios that just don't cut it in the sound department. They look great, but can't deliver. Period. I had my Blockbuster from 1984 till 1992, and sold it unfortunately because I was dumb! Needed the cash back then and was a clueless 20 something. I personally wouldn't pay $330 for the GE and definately any sharp . Sorry....just my opinion.

Boom Shaka Laka

Requiem Æternam
blu_fuz said:
I guess it's like all other auctions lately that just defy everything that was before it.
Let's face it. Boomers have caught on big time and are now mass-appeal. What's more, as time goes on, like-new ones will get harder and harder to find. Prices will continue to reach new heights.


Boomus Fidelis
Matrixambience said:
ooooo I like to hit the bees nest too! My turn, my turn! As an owner of a Blockbuster GE, and a sharp gf-9090, and a sharp gf-9292......I know for a fact the GE kicks the crap out of both of them in sound, stereo separation, features and looks. .
I hear you about the sound quality....

But looks? :huh: The 9292 shits all over the GE in that regard.

The GE has those sweet meters, but other than that it's kind of plain looking IMO

The 9292 has the thickest, blingyest speaker rings of all time. :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Yea the 9292 looks badass from the front square dead on, but turn it to the side and thats when it gets real weird! The side thickness is a joke! The Blockbuster is balanced front, sides, and back. Wished I never sold my GE!


Member (SA)
Boom Shaka Laka said:
blu_fuz said:
I guess it's like all other auctions lately that just defy everything that was before it.
Let's face it. Boomers have caught on big time and are now mass-appeal. What's more, as time goes on, like-new ones will get harder and harder to find. Prices will continue to reach new heights.

That's why I'm funneling my retirement plans including selling stocks, bonds, 401Ks and buying boomboxes from here on out.

Yep. It's an investment I can enjoy while I'm investing... :yes:

(That is until it's time to sell, then TRY to peel my hands off of them!)
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