Well, I feel the opposite about eBay. if I DON'T want to get screwed, shop eBay & pay through the nose or risk this Mickey Mouse, irresponsible BS hipster crap!!!
I'm sorry. First, if you ask for a gift payjment & whine about PayPal fees as if the buyer should pick up the tab for the transaction, you will get a giant MIDDLE FINGER shoved up your nose. I don't care if you have the first M90 to roll off the line, I'll walk away.
Second, always demand an invoice for 'Goods' & clearly state the ITEM for sale & the TERMS of the sale. You send me a vague or incomplete invoice, I'll tell you to try it again sam, & get it right this time, or don't waste my time.
Third, once the sale reaches that magic 30 day mark, I'll msg you to tell you that if I don't receive it, within 48 hours, it's claim time, Batman....no excuses. You got some broken fingers, get your mom to help you type out a refund....you feel me BRO?!
Done.....no Blaster-Junk kindergarten games will fly with me, period....You deliver it within 30 days or you're an A-hole of the stinkiest kind, in my opinion. This community is a priveledge to be a part of. Don't F it up for the rest of us....
In other words, get your shiat straight, stop making outrageous excuses for not shipping & SHIP IT!!!!!
Petey, you're a lucky man since these folks have way more patience than I do when it comes to my cash & your word....