BLASTER-VISION: Hollywood, Ca w/Lasonic TRC-920 Part 1 & 2

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Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Thanks Guys, I'm still hoping BLASTER VISION can be a "Legit" video opportunity with less up skirt action and more "Crowd Reaction".

NEXT! :yes:

YES, that would be GREAT! :thumbsup:

shane higgins

Member (SA)
show us the set up
whats around the handle
can you keep it more on the subject next time there was to much panning around :lol: :lol: :lol:
just like grand dad and his goffer :hoveround:

Lasonic TRC-920

shane higgins said:
show us the set up
whats around the handle
can you keep it more on the subject next time there was to much panning around :lol: :lol: :lol:
just like grand dad and his goffer :hoveround:

Here's the rig I made, it's not that complicated...and I'm hoping to have a universal all aluminum devise made that will clamp on more rigidly and have more adjust-ability as well



Member (SA)
Haha! EXCELLENT resourcefullness there!

Thinking of doing this for my walk to and from work one day,... I need something that is smaller than my current camera/video camera though.

And I don't have a mobile.

Great work Chris!

Rock On.

Lasonic TRC-920

You should do it man! It's fun...But....My real goal was to try to recreate what it is really like to walk down the street with a classic blaster and to get some peoples reactions. I didn't do to well on this attempt, but hopefully a better camera rig ad better camera and a little more experience will provide better videos!


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Thanks Guys, I'm still hoping BLASTER VISION can be a "Legit" video opportunity with less up skirt action and more "Crowd Reaction".

NEXT! :yes:

YES, that would be GREAT! :thumbsup:
Put it on your shoulder: no up skirts and lots of crowd reaction! :thumbsup: :-D




Member (SA)
Good ide using a cell phone. I shoot video all the time with a large HD camera and I have been toying with the idea of blaster vision for a skate video but could never get it to look right with the camer unattached to the box. I would simply follow somebody closely with the cam. You are a genius for simply downsizing the camera and sticking it right on there. GOOD GOING MAAANN!NN!!!!!!

Lasonic TRC-920

Alf said:
Good ide using a cell phone. I shoot video all the time with a large HD camera and I have been toying with the idea of blaster vision for a skate video but could never get it to look right with the camer unattached to the box. I would simply follow somebody closely with the cam. You are a genius for simply downsizing the camera and sticking it right on there. GOOD GOING MAAANN!NN!!!!!!

In these video's if you look closely, the camera is mounted to the HANDLE, so in he video, the only thing that is fixed is the handle in my fist holding the radio. The radio swings side to side and of course the whole rest of the shot is moving all over. In a sense you have a three dimensional film because there are three items to fix your eye on, the handle, the radio and the back ground.

RadioRaheem said:
Please next time more of these hoolywood bootys :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

greetings from the old uncle RadioRaheem

I may go down to the beach next! Maybe Venice. Bikini Booty! :-O :drool: :lol: ;-)


I Am Legend
150 times better :w00t: :w00t:


bring plenty of batteries and video memory media-
and maybe some roller blades to keep up with the bikini hotties

enjoy :-D :-D

Lasonic TRC-920

redbenjoe said:
150 times better :w00t: :w00t:


bring plenty of batteries and video memory media-
and maybe some roller blades to keep up with the bikini hotties

enjoy :-D :-D

Oh Man, I haven't been on "Foot Wheels" in a VERY long time! That would not be good for me, or my radio! :lol: :lol: :lol: :nonono: :thumbsdown:
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