Blaster Vision - 4.62 miles with the Dynasty HT-959

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Lasonic TRC-920

Well, it was that time of year again, time for the Relay For Life. If you read in this thread my team pulled out of the event due to health issues. Originally I didn't know this when I started my fundraising. I had some members here donate money, so I figured, since they donated, I would do some walking ANYWAY!

I have to say, walking with the Wheely Dynasty HT-959 is agonizing to say the least. Even with a Blu_Fuz strap, it's a crusher. I have a massive bruise on my hip and my neck has "Rope Burn" on it.


But in the end it was VERY worth it. I had many people come up so happy to see me and had wondered where I was. They said "We were wondering where the 'Boombox Guy' was". That is really cool. An older woman came up to me and said "People say you have a large collection of those radio's, is it true?".

To me, that is friggin' cool. I know we are there to walk for a serious cause, but to me, it can't all just be heavy memories and heartache. Sometimes, just for a few moments, it's nice to think of something a little "lighter" (although there is nothing light about the HT-959)

In the end I walked 4.62 miles around a 1/4 track.


Here is the latest installment of Blaster Vision!



Boomus Fidelis
You're a mad man Chris! There should be some sort of medal for carrying that beast so far! I already donated and was happy to do that even if you didn't do any walking but the fact that you did this even when you didn't have to makes you an awesome person Chris :-)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Really awesome job dude. That radio is not a joke. Just the size of it makes handling it a nightmare. Thanks for all you do.

Lasonic TRC-920

Thanks guys for the kind words...

I am sore as hell today :-/ I think this will be the last year of doing this with Super Jumbo's. Just getting too old to haul'em :thumbsdown:


Member (SA)
I bet you're sore. Jeez. That things got wheels right? Just drag it on a leash next time. Haha, don't do that.


Member (SA)
Great job Chris, its nice to see you out doing the right and honorable thing. Its all for a good cause. As for your sore spots. I recommend some topical Arnica Montana gel or cream from the health food store. Its a Homeopathic remedy that works great! Check it out. Hope it helps you out with your badge of honor sore spots. Oh I also enjoyed your pictures,thanks for posting them. You ROCK dude!


Member (SA)
Well done Chris, like I told ya earlier via text, BLASTIN AWAY CANCER! Mid size radio for sure nex time around...

Lasonic TRC-920

Thanks again for all the kind words.

I recently started a 36 week program with a chiropractor to try to straighten my neck and lower back problems. Those feel fine, it's all my muscles that are sore, and my hip bruise.
Great job Chris, its nice to see you out doing the right and honorable thing. Its all for a good cause. As for your sore spots. I recommend some topical Arnica Montana gel or cream from the health food store. Its a Homeopathic remedy that works great! Check it out. Hope it helps you out with your badge of honor sore spots. Oh I also enjoyed your pictures,thanks for posting them. You ROCK dude!

I will have a look when I go to the store today, thanks for the heads up.

Still the best community on the web.


Member (SA)
I have nothing but praise for your dedication to the cause and your achievement. Well done, Sir. :rock:


Member (SA)
Oh,and when I was watching your video yesterday. The third song came on and I was like who is that? I first thought Brittany Fox,naw...............and then it hit me Krokus! So today I dug out the Headhunter album and The Blitz and have been rockin' Krokus all day! Thanks to you Chris. Also really liked the April Wine,Harder Faster its a great rock album! Sammy rocks too! Used to have the Fast Times at Ridgemont High soundtrack dunno what happened to it? Some really great tunes on that one. Keep on rockin' my metal brother!!!

Lasonic TRC-920

Oh,and when I was watching your video yesterday. The third song came on and I was like who is that? I first thought Brittany Fox,naw...............and then it hit me Krokus! So today I dug out the Headhunter album and The Blitz and have been rockin' Krokus all day! Thanks to you Chris. Also really liked the April Wine,Harder Faster its a great rock album! Sammy rocks too! Used to have the Fast Times at Ridgemont High soundtrack dunno what happened to it? Some really great tunes on that one. Keep on rockin' my metal brother!!!

Awesome bro, Krokus is the stuff right there. I still have my ONE VICE AT A TIME cassette.

Crank it up!
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