BoomBoxDeluxe said:
But.....What make do you think the little one could be?
It's only a mono radio....No tape deck, or anything else really.
Here's the answer.......Yep, its a Conion! Honestly!
I'm still not sure that a transistor radio counts as a "baby box," but, since BBD started this thread, BBD can set the rules. So... here is my Conion C-100F (second generation from Korea... or third generation, if the C-100FF from Japan was the second generation) along with my three "baby Conions." None of my three babies is the same as yours, BBD, but the CR-18 on the right comes pretty close.
CR-8M (Cool twin antennas, huh? Totally unnecessary!)
CR-18 (The only Conion radio I have with a case.)