Big Box.......Little Box.

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Member (SA)
OK, in this thread, show your Big Box.....

....And your little box.

What would be best, is the big and little box in one picture.

Go on.....Do it.

Mine will be arriving shortly. :yes:

Looking forward to seeing those big boxes and little boxes!

Let's see who has the B-I-G-G-E-S-T big box, and the smallest small box.

Let's get this competition going!



Member (SA)
wow... big is hard
conion c-100F,Jvc pcr 350-c is not as big in dimension but god is it heavy!
Smallest that's easy jvc rc s21jw :-)


Member (SA)
my big box:


my little box:



Member (SA)
Wow, skippy!

They're both very nice boxes right there, and I like both of them!

I think that the competition may be hotting up in the 'little box' end of things here.......

Your one has cassette, and is little.....My little box is only a radio.

OK, fellow WGM members......keep this going. :cool:


Member (SA)
OK, here goes mine:


It's obvious what the big one is. :-D

But.....What make do you think the little one could be?

It's only a mono radio....No tape deck, or anything else really.

Here's the answer.......Scroll down if you want to see the picture. It's the HONEST TRUTH!



Yep, its a Conion! Honestly!

Let's close in on the baby Conion:


.....So there we are! But really though, I should update this picture, as the GF-777 isn't my biggest box.

Here's a clue to what my biggest box is......


Any Ideas? The clue is a dead giveaway..... :lol:


Master Z

Member (SA)
Here's my Sharp HK 9000 AKA "the Smithsonian Museum piece" and my sexy Panasonic RX-F3.


Sorry about the crappy phone pics my girls got the good camera.

I put some fresh batteries in the big HK and was practicing throwing it up on a shoulder, I got a pretty good workout! :lol:
Paul Z.


Member (SA)
That's a nice Sharp and Panasonic right there. :cool:

.....I am waiting for Walkgirl to chime in on this one. She has some way cute baby boxes.





Member (SA)
BoomBoxDeluxe said:
OK, here goes mine:


.....So there we are! But really though, I should update this picture, as the GF-777 isn't my biggest box.

Here's a clue to what my biggest box is......


Any Ideas? The clue is a dead giveaway..... :lol:


Sharp VZ-2000?


Member (SA)
YEP! :lol: :-P

Too easy, wasn't it?

Its probably the ONLY box to have a volume dial *that* huge!

Appropriate really......Huge box, Huge vol dial. :-D :lol:

If you look carefully, it even goes all the way upto Eleven. ;-) :-D

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