Best sounding low/mid priced boxes

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Boomus Fidelis
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
A radio that I always praise is the Lasonic TRC-920 for all kinds of reasons and one of them is very good sound at low volumes. I have
played Classical music during dinner at low volumes and it sound very full and rich something I don't get from any of my other Lasonics or even the 777. Pound for Pound, the 920 is a great radio

[ Image ]
I agree the 920 has awesome sound quality!!!!

Lasonic TRC-920

baddboybill said:
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
A radio that I always praise is the Lasonic TRC-920 for all kinds of reasons and one of them is very good sound at low volumes. I have
played Classical music during dinner at low volumes and it sound very full and rich something I don't get from any of my other Lasonics or even the 777. Pound for Pound, the 920 is a great radio

[ Image ]
I agree the 920 has awesome sound quality!!!!

Thanks for the back up Bill, I think everyone is getting sick of me always screaming "920" "920" "920"
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey, you can't help what ya love! ;-) :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
mellymelsr said:
The GE 6035/6000 can be found very cheap (even on epay) and will outperform it's more popular sibling, the Blockbuster. It's not the prettiest radio but it is quite loud, has strong bass and clean highs.
Truth......but only when you crank it up. It lacks a Loudness switch, and the woofers are kinda stiff, so at low volume the bass is rather weaksauce.


Boomus Fidelis
monchito said:
a nice ge blockbuster or even a realistic scr-8 will do just fine in that category even the aiwa 550,600,660 should also do good

:agree: all excellent choices, I might add the Sanyo 9994 but it would likely cost a bit more than Monchito's suggestions.

Boom Shaka Laka

Requiem Æternam
You never know what a box will sell for, so it's hard for me to say for sure which boxes are low or mid-priced. But the National/Panny 5050 is usually a good deal and puts out great sound, thanks to a terrific equalizier.



I Am Legend
boomschlonger -- that an exceptional :drool: :drool: 5050 :yes:

and - agree --for us collectors who have no 'in the wild' market --

and all boxes come from our members or ebay --
there are real no good 'low-priced' boxes --

just about everything is at least $75 to $100 -
and then waaaaaaaaaay up from there


Boomus Fidelis
Boom Shaka Laka said:
You never know what a box will sell for, so it's hard for me to say for sure which boxes are low or mid-priced. But the National/Panny 5050 is usually a good deal and puts out great sound, thanks to a terrific equalizier.

[ Image ]

I still have dibs on that National from a few years ago don't I Boomshakertrakerlacker? :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:


Member (SA)
Most of the boxes suggested if I'm honest NEVER turn up on UK ebay.

JVC M70's, Crown CSC 8-970 do - but now go between £60 (when I'm not looking) to £160 (when I am) :huh:

I have not heard that particular Philips - although the D8644 is a beast!

My two penneth worth - any (1980s) National Panansonic RX5100 and above normally do the business - and dependent on type are very common on the bay - RX 5250 is EXCEPTIONAL!

If you have an eye for the modern lady - I'd say you cannot FAIL with the Bi Amped RX "platinum" series ie Rx CT/DT range 680-990 - these sound better than almost ALL old boxes (general sweeping statement awaiting come back! :-D ) and can be had for less than 40 quid!

Failing all these - Sharp gf 9191
looks and sounds the bollocks - and fairly cheap (if the seller is not on the pipe)


Member (SA)
I'm making lots of notes here guys...

redbenjoe said:
boomschlonger -- that an exceptional :drool: :drool: 5050 :yes:

and - agree --for us collectors who have no 'in the wild' market --

and all boxes come from our members or ebay --
there are real no good 'low-priced' boxes --

just about everything is at least $75 to $100 -
and then waaaaaaaaaay up from there

With you here - the wild market where I live is poor!

ClaretBadger said:
Most of the boxes suggested if I'm honest NEVER turn up on UK ebay.

JVC M70's, Crown CSC 8-970 do - but now go between £60 (when I'm not looking) to £160 (when I am) :huh:

I have not heard that particular Philips - although the D8644 is a beast!

My two penneth worth - any (1980s) National Panansonic RX5100 and above normally do the business - and dependent on type are very common on the bay - RX 5250 is EXCEPTIONAL!

If you have an eye for the modern lady - I'd say you cannot FAIL with the Bi Amped RX "platinum" series ie Rx CT/DT range 680-990 - these sound better than almost ALL old boxes (general sweeping statement awaiting come back! :-D ) and can be had for less than 40 quid!

Failing all these - Sharp gf 9191
looks and sounds the bollocks - and fairly cheap (if the seller is not on the pipe)

With you here too - I've been watching ebay like a hawk recently and very few of those mentioned have been on there... I guess you have to have a bit of patience, and a lot of luck :-D


Member (SA)
sanyo c7 yamahapc8 sears aka sanyo m9996.

i have say that the little brother of the m9998 is a really nice sounding midsized cheap box. it sounds about 85 percent or maybe a little more as good as the bigger sanyo .

the pc8 still seems to turn up for cheapish a fair bit and its about 90 percent a pc55
the pc7 is a really nice compo as well. this was also sold as a yamaha.

i dont seem to be able to get the pictures to upload :((((


Member (SA)
ClaretBadger said:
Most of the boxes suggested if I'm honest NEVER turn up on UK ebay.

If you have an eye for the modern lady - I'd say you cannot FAIL with the Bi Amped RX "platinum" series ie Rx CT/DT range 680-990 - these sound better than almost ALL old boxes (general sweeping statement awaiting come back! :-D ) and can be had for less than 40 quid!

Failing all these - Sharp gf 9191
looks and sounds the bollocks - and fairly cheap (if the seller is not on the pipe)

Have to agree on the Pany RX990...

Had one for a couple of weeks (paid £70) and it is without doubt the best sounding box I have.


Boomus Fidelis
geoffhartwell said:
i'd go for the m70, they do come up on ebay at the right price now and then, i paid £100 for my m70, just have to be patient

:agree: These can be found in the UK fairly reasonably.
I would also recommend looking at the Sanyo M9994.


Member (SA)
I can only recommended one that I have (and I Know well)

Helix HX-4630 (Thanks Bobby)


Not too many money, when apears to sell!!!



Member (SA)
Reli said:
Yes, a Crown 850 in proper working order would sound better than any of those others mentioned above, in my opinion.

Or for that same amount of money you could buy 2 or 3 Universum Supersound 16000's..... They are the absolute best bang for the buck of any box, in my opinion. The dog's bollix.

:agree: :yes:

You can get an Universum Supersound 16000 for 20-30 Euros on Ebay Germany. They show up very often.
One of my best sounding boomboxes and I paid only 15 Euros in mint condition. It sounds better than the Crown 950 but the Crown looks better ;-)

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