Best sounding low/mid priced boxes

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Member (SA)
For me, sound is the most important thing in a box (looks come close :-D )

For my next purchase, I'm willing to spend a bit more than I usually would, but we're not talking BIG money here :thumbsdown:

So what I'm after is the best sounding box that I can REALISTICALLY lay my hands on. In terms of sound I'm thinking clear and well-defined with rich, precise bass... But the most I think I will be able to spend is around the £160 mark - I think that's around $260 USD

SO... What do you guys think are the best sounding boxes that can realistically be obtained for this kind of money? Would love to hear everyone's opinions on this. Oh and pics will be welcomed! :-D :-D :-D


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Rising SRC-2015 (20/20) or AKA. They are not as "warm" or as powerful as a JVC RC-M70, but the sound is quite nice with a tight bass. And they look friggin' awesome! :yes:


Member (SA)
Thanks for the replies, WOW they both look frickin' awesome! :w00t: :w00t: I especially like the look of the SRC-2015... Do you happen to know any of the AKAs fatdog?

Looking forward to more suggestions guys! Keep 'em coming!


Boomus Fidelis
a nice ge blockbuster or even a realistic scr-8 will do just fine in that category even the aiwa 550,600,660 should also do good





Member (SA)
I like the look of that GE, I'm not sure you get many of those over here in the UK though... :huh:

It's interesting to hear everyone's input on this, keep em coming.

Any opinions on crowns falling into this category? I narrowly missed out on a CSC-850 last week due to someone going back on our deal AFTER I transferred the money :annoyed: :annoyed: :annoyed:


Member (SA)
im_alan_partridge said:
Hey Strigner, was the 850 on ebay, it was there then its gone :hmmm: :annoyed:

Yeah that's the one, we agreed on a price, I paid it by paypal, then a couple of hours later she refunded the money and sent me an email saying that her husband had already promised it to someone else for more. I wasn't pleased as I believe once a deal is done it's done!

But hey... I guess I shouldn't have been trying to do deals out-of-auction anyway :-/ Not fair on other bidders really


Member (SA)
Hey no worrys mate, if you dont ask you dont get. i was going to have a bid but wasnt surprised to see it vanish brfore the end, 850's and 950's dont come up often.
If you agreed a price AND paid, it have been yours. Better luck next time, theres a nice 950 on ebay at the moment but i think it will go £££ high.


Boomus Fidelis
Yes, a Crown 850 in proper working order would sound better than any of those others mentioned above, in my opinion.

Or for that same amount of money you could buy 2 or 3 Universum Supersound 16000's..... They are the absolute best bang for the buck of any box, in my opinion. The dog's bollix.


Member (SA)
Reli said:
Yes, a Crown 850 in proper working order would sound better than any of those others mentioned above, in my opinion.

Or for that same amount of money you could buy 2 or 3 Universum Supersound 16000's..... They are the absolute best bang for the buck of any box, in my opinion. The dog's bollix.

Hmm that's yet another one I've not heard of...

im_alan_partridge said:
Hey no worrys mate, if you dont ask you dont get. i was going to have a bid but wasnt surprised to see it vanish brfore the end, 850's and 950's dont come up often.
If you agreed a price AND paid, it have been yours. Better luck next time, theres a nice 950 on ebay at the moment but i think it will go £££ high.

Yeah I've got my eye on that 950 but like you said, it's probably going to go pretty damn high...


Member (SA)
i'd go for the m70, they do come up on ebay at the right price now and then, i paid £100 for my m70, just have to be patient


Boomus Fidelis
My mid size CEC, Soundmaster, and Randix are real awesome in bass and not bad in the highs department!!! Funny but the CEC has no tweats, just fake looking horns... But still sounds real nice....:-)



Boomus Fidelis
I vote for the Aiwa CS660. It isn't as loud as the M70,but it sounds better at normal listening volume that the M70.
Just my opinion of course............ :yes:



Member (SA)
I'm getting loads of great ideas here :-D :-D

Some great boxes that I've never even heard of (and a few that I have)! I guess I am a relatively new collector though...

Geoff I'm surprised you got an M70 at that price, well done! how was the condition?

Lasonic TRC-920

A radio that I always praise is the Lasonic TRC-920 for all kinds of reasons and one of them is very good sound at low volumes. I have played Classical music during dinner at low volumes and it sound very full and rich something I don't get from any of my other Lasonics or even the 777. Pound for Pound, the 920 is a great radio



Member (SA)
The GE 6035/6000 can be found very cheap (even on epay) and will outperform it's more popular sibling, the Blockbuster. It's not the prettiest radio but it is quite loud, has strong bass and clean highs.

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