alright... talked to the sender & it so it sounds like i will be getting this for $25 bucks. i can work w/ that.
& thank you all for the feedback, i was freakin out for a minute there, but im good now. i got this thing opened up & its cleaning up nice. however the piece that busted is in about 12 pieces, so we will see how this goes.
im going to go to the hardware store in a little bit, any suggestion? i saw the tenax 7r post, probably get some of that. my big question is what color paint to get since i will be painting the front shell. i was thinking once i get the puzzle glued back together & sanded i will paint the top & sides & mask of the front cuz the front looks good. so when done it will be a three tone. duplicolor graphite??? gunmetal grey??? & probably clear coat it right?
also the screen needs painting, on the side its rusty & has this white chunky stuff on it that i couldnt see from the pics. should i soak it in CLR then steel wool it, then primar, then paint?
sorry, mayb this post shouldnt b under general discussion anymore now that its a help topic.
any help is much appreciated