Bad packing=broken Aiwa=

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Member (SA)
Radio-Active said:
.................................I brought this Aiwa to the sorting warehouses and made some pretty crazy speeches. I got to say all the things you wish you could to your mail agents.haha.You woulda' been proud.......................
Excellent, this brought all kinds of images into my mind! :lol:

Thank you for my first smile of the day. :yes: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
I see nothing has changed in the way of this happening. Been down this path so many times its disgusting. Unfortunately most general sellers don't put too much thought into what they are doing in the way of packing. They have no love or appreciation for the item. They are just flipping stuff. They don't care that there is now one less piece of history in the world because of their incompetence. So many irreplaceable things have been destroyed this way in our Ebay world. The other kicker is that these people file a claim (like its the fault of the shipper and not their own fault) and in most cases these claims get paid by the shipping companies. All this does is raise the prices of shipping for everyone else and makes these people even less concerned about how they pack things. They figure "who cares if it breaks, I wont have to pay for it, its insured" If it was packed like @#$% then it should come out of their own pockets. Its the only way they will learn. Jerkoffs!

Perhaps I should have stayed away longer, I feel my irritation brewing already lol.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
That is such a bummer. Sorry to see the seller didn't give a crap about it arriving safely. The missing parts would irritate me the most....
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