Awaiting arrival of a few new boxes... again !!!

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Member (SA)
Aaaargh, I hate waiting for new boxes to arrive!!!!

The tension and anxiety of the wait, will it arrive ok ? will the deck work ? radio reception ? are there any bad marks... the list goes on...

Am I alone or just really sad!!!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
You must have bought from eBay. :lol:

The only thing I ever worry about with eBay boxes is the quality of packing that the seller does. Basically, "will it arrive without being busted to shiat"? What do you have on the way? :-)


I Am Legend
you are not alone :-)

waiting for boxes from members is mostly ' no sweat '

but waiting for ebay boxes --
is always -- all sweat


Member (SA)
Awaiting a Goldstar TSR-800 and a JVC RC 656 LB.
Yes both eBay purchases but good value so fingers crossed.




Well-Known Member
Staff member
Oooh, that Goldstar is a beast. :yes: That model and its Prosonic cousin have some of the best bass when it comes to boomboxes for sure. Knock back some single malt scotch to take off the edge. :yes:


Member (SA)
Awesome ! really looking forward to hearing that one.

Good call on the single malt, though it will have to be a whiskey of the Glen Fiddich variety :thumbsup: :-D


Boomus Fidelis
Fatdog said:
You must have bought from eBay. :lol:

The only thing I ever worry about with eBay boxes is the quality of packing that the seller does. Basically, "will it arrive without being busted to shiat"?

:agree: Going through that now too but if you only pluck the bargains then it's not so bad, I'm talking under $100 total cost and under $50 is even better.


Member (SA)
docs said:
Aaaargh, I hate waiting for new boxes to arrive!!!!

The tension and anxiety of the wait, will it arrive ok ? will the deck work ? radio reception ? are there any bad marks... the list goes on...

Am I alone or just really sad!!!

I know exactly what your going through, waiting totally sucks! The worst is when customs gets involved and the damn box is just sitting there and your wondering what's with the hold up.
Hope they arrive soon for yah!


Member (SA)
The JVC arrived this morning, poor packaging as to be expected but thankfully no damage.
I'll blast it tonight when I get home and post some pics.

1 in the bag 1 to go. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
ding dang doo...

Brothers together...





The RC 656 is in good condition, few light marks but it all works!!!


Member (SA)
I'm feeling the sweat for you too, those are beasts and I wish you good luck and speedy arrival :-D

Lasonic TRC-920

docs said:
ding dang doo...

Brothers together...

[ Image ]

[ Image ]

[ Image ]

[ Image ]

The RC 656 is in good condition, few light marks but it all works!!!

WOW, those three look great together! :w00t: :-D

1 down 1 to go!

Oh the stress of it all....I sure hope that MONSTER box shows up in one piece!

Good Luck! :yes:


Member (SA)
Nothing worse than awaiting the arrival of a Lasonic.....
even though I told him exactly how to package it..there's about a 50% percent chance it aint gonna make it.

Dear Lord,
please watch over my 975..........

....AND it just went out today!
where did I put that pepto bismol!??


Member (SA)
The second one arrived today ! :thumbsup:
Packaging was a bit suspect but gladly no damage :-D

A couple of things not as described though :thumbsdown:
Front Goldstar label missing :thumbsdown:
and the previous owner scribed their name and address into the bottom :thumbsdown:

I can live with that for the price paid and maybe I can get hold of a replacement badge from someone ? :hmmm:

Other than that its in fairly good nick in need of a good clean, the deck doesn't play at the mo but will try and fix that. That is about the only thing that was described accurately.




Member (SA)
Not yet no, I've gone straight inside to try and fix the deck.
Just the main belt is dislodged and the controls need a little clean and i think it will be perfect again. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Deck fully working and it sounds like this is a hell of a nice sounding box. Large speakers do really give this a deep sound with great bass just like you say :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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