aussie collections = YESSSSSSSSSSSSS !!

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Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
Haha! Fantastic!

We should have a boom off, like the old s2go ones. There was an awesome one between the AU/NZ rockers and the UK dudes.

Rock On.

:yes: i remember some of those.
I think one started off with the coolest of cool mini's and
worked its way up to the Top Shelf boomers, very fun to watch :thumbsup:


I Am Legend
now growing a color fetish :-O
looking a craigs wonderful wall -- with all those great grails :drool: :drool:

but -the 2 red minis and the blue mini --are the spectacular sights


Member (SA)
Hehe, if pictures of randomly piled-up boomboxes count, I could cheat and send y'all into the corners, cowering in defeat... Sometimes the wholesale places here get stacks of boomboxes piled up that are clear up to the 8-foot ceilings and maybe 10 feet deep and 15 feet wide... all in ONE pile of JUST boomboxes. You could sometimes fill a 20-foot container from just a couple of places, with nothing but boomboxes. Okay, so half of them are eggs and they aren't mine (I cherry-pick with great selectivity)... but still, they're impressive as sh*t to see! :yes:

I don't hang around here much, but I think I'm getting "the bug" again, since I got another GF-9000 today, just two days after bringing home another one --lightning struck twice. I also saw another PMS-8000 today that so far I'm resisting. Gotta get some eBay listing going or something, to rescue more of these things --I've got too many (somewhere over 100 such boxes now) to display or enjoy more than a relatively few of them, and no room to keep stacking more! I really envy you guys with big wall space, able to display dozens of boxes at a time.

I think Australia and NZ have remarkable collectors and collections. A couple US collections must compete with them (who was that porno-spam email millionaire who was buying up all the boomboxes on eBay before? He must have an incredible collection). Germany has a couple outstanding collections, too, like radiohier's.

I don't think any Asian collections can really compete, although some of the biggest sellers/suppliers are from these parts. I probably have one of the bigger Hong Kong collections, if you don't count the guy with what has to be the world's largest hoard of DiscoRobos. There are a couple of other seriously active buyers here, but I THINK they are re-selling a lot of them. If I'm wrong, then there would be some other BIG collections here, too, that are largely "off the radar".


I Am Legend
arkay --
there is alot 'social' about us collectors with nice collections -
so it would be possible -- but unlikely to have any 'under the radar'
collections :-)
like WHO would never want to photograph or show off their boomers :-D :thumbsup: :surf:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
The U.S. has a secret weapon - the only known existence of the Sansui FX-500. :-D However, if someone has the Marantz Bustang version of it, they might be able to trump it. ;-)


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
arkay --
there is alot 'social' about us collectors with nice collections -
so it would be possible -- but unlikely to have any 'under the radar'
collections :-)
like WHO would never want to photograph or show off their boomers :-D :thumbsup: :surf:

I completely agree with you -- it's a lot more fun to share with other like-minded collectors! :agree:

:hmmm: ... What you might be discounting, though, is the different qualities of some people in a place like Hong Kong. Some may collect for reasons that have nothing to do with the reasons why most of us would collect, plus some of them may not be very visible because they are secretive by nature and don't speak any English and so don't come on any boards like this, etc... There are not so many serious boombox buyers (who buy quantities) in Hong Kong, and my wholesaler friends have pointed the big ones out to me, or told me about them. I've met and talked to a few; most are resellers, one is a well-known collector/hoarder, but there are a few who are not very sociable (a bit weird, nerdy, secretive) who are question marks. They might be resellers, or they might be compulsive hoarders sitting on what by now would be massive hoards that we might not know about --really! I'm not saying that is fact, but just that it is possible, since not even the people they're buying from know where those boxes are ending up.


I Am Legend
and then - there may be some collectors that are fearful of getting robbed --
we have too many florida dwellers who will kill folks for a ciggarette :sadno:
so - perhaps some collections are hidden forever
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