Hehe, if pictures of randomly piled-up boomboxes count, I could cheat and send y'all into the corners, cowering in defeat... Sometimes the wholesale places here get stacks of boomboxes piled up that are clear up to the 8-foot ceilings and maybe 10 feet deep and 15 feet wide... all in ONE pile of JUST boomboxes. You could sometimes fill a 20-foot container from just a couple of places, with nothing but boomboxes. Okay, so half of them are eggs and they aren't mine (I cherry-pick with great selectivity)... but still, they're impressive as sh*t to see!
I don't hang around here much, but I think I'm getting "the bug" again, since I got another GF-9000 today, just two days after bringing home another one --lightning struck twice. I also saw another PMS-8000 today that so far I'm resisting. Gotta get some eBay listing going or something, to rescue more of these things --I've got too many (somewhere over 100 such boxes now) to display or enjoy more than a relatively few of them, and no room to keep stacking more! I really envy you guys with big wall space, able to display dozens of boxes at a time.
I think Australia and NZ have remarkable collectors and collections. A couple US collections must compete with them (who was that porno-spam email millionaire who was buying up all the boomboxes on eBay before? He must have an incredible collection). Germany has a couple outstanding collections, too, like radiohier's.
I don't think any Asian collections can really compete, although some of the biggest sellers/suppliers are from these parts. I probably have one of the bigger Hong Kong collections, if you don't count the guy with what has to be the world's largest hoard of DiscoRobos. There are a couple of other seriously active buyers here, but I THINK they are re-selling a lot of them. If I'm wrong, then there would be some other BIG collections here, too, that are largely "off the radar".