dokstarr41 said:
Took my M70 downtown for Halloween and Rocked the Crowd with nothing but 80's Hip Hop. It was Nice.!
MAN, That is how you do it! Sharing Music with a boombox is the best!
goblin said:
Yeah, this is a pretty special place! I don't have any family or friends that get it either (come to think of it, I don't have any family or friends! :'-( )
I don't know how many boomboxery members end up staring that their collections but I do that too. I have 3 in my bed room on the dresser all clean, all antenna's up just looking great, I have 2 in the living room and 1 more on top of the TV. I have the big 777z on the dining room table so when I am cooking dinner I can just look over and smile!
Yep, good stuff