Anyone else with a CFS-88S?!

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Member (SA)
you need to upload it to tinypic or similiar site than post the link

I just saw one of these Sony's on e-bay for parts


Member (SA)
it;s on the triton indeed!

man - Peppin is the man! :afro:

i'll have to start my hunt for the Panny i guess -

right up there with a good RED BOX!

jaredscottfla said:
:-) very nice i have a cfs 61s,like yours better
and I'd love to see it!
Ghettoboom767 said:
Hi Malakai-Nice Sony Suitcase boombox!!
The only other one I know of is the Panasonic suitcase Boomer.Very nice indeed-what a rare find!!
Have a great one-GB. :-) :-D
Thanks to you too GB!!!!!
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