Since that pic is exactly like mine (and probably a better pic than I could take with my camera), I'll move on to the story:
I work with engineers of varying ages. We are all into different interests/hobbies. I don't talk about boomers (or synths) much, because I never figured anyone had the same interests. Occasionally, the M70 front face is my "screen background" here at work.
Last week, one of the younger engineers came over and said "cool radio" (he has an Ipod
) and I said it was mine, and that I had a several more of differing types. He said his uncle or cousin (I don't remember which) had a few big old radios, maybe I could give them a good home? Since I am picky (actually I don't have much space), I asked what brands they were. He said I think one starts with "C." I immediately thought a Coby egg.
"No," he said "I think it said Crown."
Well, now I'm REALLY interested!
A few days later I'm over at his house, walk into the living room, and there it is on the coffee table.
I nearly pissed myself. Aside from a little ding in the aluminum trim, it was MINT. He said "you want it?"
...and now it's mine. I did give him a few bucks for it so I wouldn't feel guilty about it. Besides, I may want to get into heaven some day...