Another Wicked Local Score (Pics)

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Member (SA)
gsbadbmr said:
I might even consider selling off my entire collection for HUGE $$$$$$...then RE-START another collection...i know it sounds crazy but i have been thinking about it...maybe an ad in the "Source" magazine would do the sports players/hiphop stars could easily afford my price :-D
Don't you have so many multiples of everything, especially the grails, that you could sell multiple sets of collections? I can totally see an athlete, hip hop star or just a random rich guy buying that collection but it's harder to find, even if he has the money, someone that wants all the multiples of boxes you have. Well except here on Boomboxery of course. You can find multiple people here that would like your entire collection but we don't have the money to make that happen. And by the way, what do you estimate the price tag being for your entire Fort Knox of boxes?


Member (SA)
Most impressive! Like the Great Wall of China, but without the "of China" part.

Can these boomboxes be seen from space? Are they featured as a separate layer on Google Navigation? Why does Canada hold only 0.5% of the planet's population when it holds something like 95.5% of [the planet's] desirable, classic boomboxes?

I'm liking the idea of a big, largely empty country where there are enough boxes for everyone! :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Aaah Canada.... now it all makes sense...

Just got done watching an episode of "How I Met Your Mother," and the Canadian girl in it explains that Canada takes a while to pick up on U.S. trends.
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