el cad said:
Only one thing left to do now....STACK'EM!
Congrats. Damn fine collection.
Thanks el cad, I'm really rounding out the Lasonic section. God help me if I get addicted to Sharps!
Tacooooooo said:
Just look at that tower of power!
I think the windows of your house will break once you turn up the volume all the way up to a Eddie Van Halen Solo!
OH MAN, that's what I have to do today....plug them both in today and crank up ERUPTION.
blu_fuz said:
Oh yeah, about that rehab - take me with, I will need it and SOON!
No problem Fuz, we'll both go to rehab together....it makes ditching so much easier when you have someone to help escape with!
bill said:
that is my favorite of all lasonic boxes. its huge and has all the right right looks. just a beautiful blaster and the others are great too.
There is no doubt Lasonic nailed the looks department on this one.
baddboybill said:
Chris it is a 2nd edition. The 1st edition looks like this from around 1986 or so
OK, I need to do some research and learn more on the 931. It's a bit confusing that they used the same name on so many versions.
mellymelsr said:
Those two big Lasonic's look awesome together...

...I gotta get me a Lasonic...soon...
MM, it would be AWESOME to see some pictures of a 975 0r 935 next to that M90 of yours!
Gluecifer said:
Wow, Chris!! Fanbloodytastic!
The 975 sounds BRUTAL, absoloutely one of my favourite sounds hands down on a portable, I'll be super interested in a comparison between it and the 935 as that's still on my list!
Your collection's kicking massive amounts of arse brother, great to see it grow!!
Rock On.
Thanks Rick, I have watched your reviews on this radio, seen your pictures and read your post's in total jealousy. Now I can finally stop living vicariously through you. Once I get my hands on a decent camera I will do the comparison. Seeing them stacked (as they are right now) I wish Lasonic made a third Jumbo so I could go 3 high and just as wide!
Of course it's totally possible to BUILD a hybrid...say a 935 with 975 speaker grills and a 975 tuner sticker!