QUICK (rather long) UPDATE
I have heard back from the seller, he has been really good so far, and feels really bad about it all. I hadn't opened it beyond the pics shown before but already brought up either sending back and full refund, or if I open it and want to keep it to repair I'd get a partial refund. So.... I open it up, made sure that nothing else was broken and adjusted things to not short and/or break anything else. Luckily the box still functions great. Radio is all good, all speakers good (and actually really damn loud and 3-way setup, just not the most bass in the world), deck A plays and RW, but doesn't like to FW, deck B (once back in place) FF and RW really good, but doesn't play. It appears the playing mechanism gearing isn't making contact with the right reel as it should, but that might just be re-aligning it vs a belt swap as the belt seems great for RW/FF. That deck as a known issue when I bought it too, of course it wasn't beat to hell with the cover punched off and in the speaker hole. HA
I think I'm keeping it as I'd hate to go through all the sending back and refund etc when I think I can get it up to par. Even though it's nothing crazy nice, I do like the look with the 'blood line' across it all, it sounds a lot nicer than I thought it would, slightly bigger than an M90 and I like em big, and it's a brand I don't have yet for what that's worth. The speaker is broken off from the inner black plastic, but once repaired won't even show a seem from the outside, so that'll be nice. And actually where the tape deck area is jacked, once that's repaired, you might only be able to barely see a tiny seem as it's cracked in the 'cut-in grooves'.
So.... with all that in mind, what percentage is 'normal' to ask in a refund for something like this. Something that I bought as 100% working aside from one deck not playing, to now having a slight project box to get it to a lesser cosmetic level when done, but functionality doesn't seem to be affected. 25+% refund seem fair you think? Or maybe I ask for 50% so I have some haggle room.
And then I still might ask FedEx for a refund. Sounds like I shouldn't ask for more than $100 though, and it's not like this unit was even 500+ or that M70 and box. Speaking of.... I hope they packaged that M70/box nice as I think we determined that the box itself was worth like $1000.
If you don't ever hear from me again, it's cause I'm building some shelving in the home office for my favorite boxes. If I don't build them strong enough I might die from a Conion to the head while I'm working below, although that wouldn't be the worst way to go out. Hopefully my head doesn't do too much damage to it.